Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Martin R JonesTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 4
Homologous recombination deficiency and platinum-based therapy outcomes in advanced breast cancer
EY Zhao, Y Shen, E Pleasance, K Kasaian, S Leelakumari, M Jones, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 23 (24), 7521-7530, 2017
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
NRG1 Gene Fusions Are Recurrent, Clinically Actionable Gene Rearrangements in KRAS Wild-Type Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
MR Jones, LM Williamson, JT Topham, MKC Lee, A Goytain, J Ho, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 25 (15), 4674-4681, 2019
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and …
Pan-cancer analysis of advanced patient tumors reveals interactions between therapy and genomic landscapes
E Pleasance, E Titmuss, L Williamson, H Kwan, L Culibrk, EY Zhao, ...
Nature Cancer 1 (4), 452-468, 2020
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research …
Integrative genomic analysis of ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma
P Bose, ED Pleasance, M Jones, Y Shen, C Ch’ng, C Reisle, JE Schein, ...
Oral Oncology 51 (9), e71-e75, 2015
Megbízások: Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Valahol hozzáférhető: 36
CIViC is a community knowledgebase for expert crowdsourcing the clinical interpretation of variants in cancer
M Griffith, NC Spies, K Krysiak, JF McMichael, AC Coffman, AM Danos, ...
Nature genetics 49 (2), 170-174, 2017
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain, Federal Ministry of …
CancerMine: a literature-mined resource for drivers, oncogenes and tumor suppressors in cancer
J Lever, EY Zhao, J Grewal, MR Jones, SJM Jones
Nature methods 16 (6), 505-507, 2019
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Genome Canada
Lessons learned from the application of whole-genome analysis to the treatment of patients with advanced cancers
J Laskin, S Jones, S Aparicio, S Chia, C Ch'ng, R Deyell, P Eirew, A Fok, ...
Molecular Case Studies 1 (1), a000570, 2015
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Successful targeting of the NRG1 pathway indicates novel treatment strategy for metastatic cancer
MR Jones, H Lim, Y Shen, E Pleasance, C Ch'ng, C Reisle, ...
Annals of Oncology 28 (12), 3092-3097, 2017
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
The North American bullfrog draft genome provides insight into hormonal regulation of long noncoding RNA
SA Hammond, RL Warren, BP Vandervalk, E Kucuk, H Khan, EA Gibb, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1433, 2017
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and …
NRG1 fusion-driven tumors: biology, detection, and the therapeutic role of afatinib and other ErbB-targeting agents
J Laskin, SV Liu, K Tolba, C Heining, RF Schlenk, P Cheema, J Cadranel, ...
Annals of Oncology 31 (12), 1693-1703, 2020
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Whole-genome and transcriptome analysis enhances precision cancer treatment options
E Pleasance, A Bohm, LM Williamson, JMT Nelson, Y Shen, M Bonakdar, ...
Annals of oncology 33 (9), 939-949, 2022
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and …
Application of a neural network whole transcriptome–based pan-cancer method for diagnosis of primary and metastatic cancers
JK Grewal, B Tessier-Cloutier, M Jones, S Gakkhar, Y Ma, R Moore, ...
JAMA network open 2 (4), e192597-e192597, 2019
Megbízások: Genome Canada
Assessment of capture and amplicon-based approaches for the development of a targeted next-generation sequencing pipeline to personalize lymphoma management
SS Hung, B Meissner, EA Chavez, S Ben-Neriah, D Ennishi, MR Jones, ...
The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 20 (2), 203-214, 2018
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Genome Canada, Michael Smith …
Polygenic risk modeling for prediction of epithelial ovarian cancer risk
EO Dareng, JP Tyrer, DR Barnes, MR Jones, X Yang, KKH Aben, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 30 (3), 349-362, 2022
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research …
Therapeutic Potential of Afatinib in NRG1 Fusion‐Driven Solid Tumors: A Case Series
J Cadranel, SV Liu, M Duruisseaux, E Branden, Y Goto, BA Weinberg, ...
The oncologist 26 (1), 7-16, 2021
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Response to angiotensin blockade with irbesartan in a patient with metastatic colorectal cancer
MR Jones, KA Schrader, Y Shen, E Pleasance, C Ch'ng, N Dar, S Yip, ...
Annals of Oncology 27 (5), 801-806, 2016
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Text-mining clinically relevant cancer biomarkers for curation into the CIViC database
J Lever, MR Jones, AM Danos, K Krysiak, M Bonakdar, JK Grewal, ...
Genome medicine 11, 1-16, 2019
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
The atm-1 gene is required for genome stability in Caenorhabditis elegans
MR Jones, JC Huang, SY Chua, DL Baillie, AM Rose
Molecular genetics and genomics 287, 325-335, 2012
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Base excision repair deficiency signatures implicate germline and somatic MUTYH aberrations in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and breast cancer oncogenesis
ML Thibodeau, EY Zhao, C Reisle, C Ch'ng, HL Wong, Y Shen, MR Jones, ...
Molecular Case Studies 5 (2), a003681, 2019
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research …
A collaborative filtering-based approach to biomedical knowledge discovery
J Lever, S Gakkhar, M Gottlieb, T Rashnavadi, S Lin, C Siu, M Smith, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (4), 652-659, 2018
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
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