Mykola Ostroverkhov / Микола Якович Островерхов / Николай Яковлевич Островерхов
Mykola Ostroverkhov / Микола Якович Островерхов / Николай Яковлевич Островерхов
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Head of
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Ouput voltage stabilization process simulation in generator with hybrid excitation at variable drive speed
M Ostroverkhov, V Chumack, E Monakhov
2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2019
Control of the electric drive under conditions of parametric uncertainty and coordinates' interrelation
M Ostroverkhov, V Pyzhov, S Korol
2017 International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems (MEES …, 2017
Axial flux permanent magnet controlled generator
M Ostroverkhov, V Chumack, E Monakhov
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
Control of permanent magnet synchronous motor under conditions of parametric uncertainty
M Ostroverkhov, M Buryk
2019 IEEE International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems …, 2019
Hybrid Excited Synchronous Generator for Microhydropower Unit
M Ostroverkhov, V Chumack, E Monakhov, A Ponomarev
2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Energy Smart Systems (ESS), 219-222, 2019
Control System with Field Weakening of Synchronous Motor Drive
N Ostroverkhov, N Buryk
2020 IEEE problems of automated electrodrive. Theory and practice (PAEP), 1-5, 2020
Сontrol of coordinates electric drives based on the concept of inverse dynamics problems for minimization local functionals momentary values of energy
N Ostroverkhov, N Buryk
Elektrotehnika i elektroenergetika 1, 41-49, 2011
Моделювання електромеханічних систем в Simulink
МЯ Островерхов, ВМ Пижов
К.: ВД «Стилос, 2008
Investigation the maximal values of flux and stator current of autonomous induction generator
S Korol, S Buryan, M Pushkar, M Ostroverkhov
2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2017
Метод синтезу регуляторів електромеханічних систем на основі концепції зворотних задач динаміки в поєднанні з мінімізацією локальних функціоналів миттєвих значень енергії …
МЯ Островерхов
Харків: НТУ “ХПІ, 105-110, 2008
Vector control of field regulated reluctance motor
M Ostroverkhov, M Buryk
2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2019
Synchronous axial-flux generator with hybrid excitation in stand alone mode
M Ostroverkhov, V Chumack, E Monakhov
2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2019
Управление координатами электроприводов на основании концепции обратных задач динамики при минимизации локальных функционалов мгновенных значений энергий
НЯ Островерхов, НП Бурик
Електротехніка і електроенергетика, 41-49, 2011
Development of the control system for taking off the maximum power of an autonomous wind plant with a synchronous magnetoelectric generator
I Ostroverkhov, M., Chumack, V., Kovalenko, M., & Kovalenko
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 4 (2 (118)), 67–78, 2022
Increasing the efficiency of electric vehicle drives with supercapacitors in power supply
M Ostroverkhov, D Trinchuk
2020 IEEE 7th international conference on energy smart systems (ESS), 258-261, 2020
Mathematical simulation of autonomous wind electric installation with magnetoelectric generator
DVT V. M. Golovko, M. Ya. Ostroverkhov, M. A. Kovalenko, I. Ya. Kovalenko
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu 1 (5), 74-79, 2022
Speed Control System of Synchronous Motor Drives with Field Weakening using the Concept of Inverse Problems of Dynamics
MY Ostroverkhov, MP Buryk
2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Energy Smart Systems (ESS), 310-314, 2020
Системи і методи ідентифікації електротехнічних об’єктів
МЯ Островерхов, АМ Сільвестров, ОМ Скринник
Національний авіаційний університет, 2016
Development of control algorithms for magnetoelectric generator with axial magnetic flux and double stator based on mathematical modeling
MK Mykola Ostroverkhov, Vadim Chumack, Maksym Falchenko
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (6/5 (120)), 6-17, 2022
Designing a voltage control system of the magnetoelectric generator with magnetic flux shunting for electric power systems
Y Ostroverkhov, M., Chumack, V., Tymoshchuk, O., Kovalenko, M., & Ihnatiuk
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 5 (5(119)), 16–25, 2022
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