Leah H Schinasi
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and occupational exposure to agricultural pesticide chemical groups and active ingredients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
L Schinasi, ME Leon
International journal of environmental research and public health 11 (4 …, 2014
Air pollution and odor in communities near industrial swine operations
S Wing, RA Horton, SW Marshall, K Thu, M Tajik, L Schinasi, ...
Environmental health perspectives 116 (10), 1362-1368, 2008
Air pollution, lung function, and physical symptoms in communities near concentrated swine feeding operations
L Schinasi, RA Horton, VT Guidry, S Wing, SW Marshall, KB Morland
Epidemiology 22 (2), 208-215, 2011
Pesticide use and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoid malignancies in agricultural cohorts from France, Norway and the USA: a pooled analysis from the AGRICOH consortium
ME Leon, LH Schinasi, P Lebailly, LE Beane Freeman, KC Nordby, ...
International journal of epidemiology 48 (5), 1519-1535, 2019
Modification of the association between high ambient temperature and health by urban microclimate indicators: A systematic review and meta-analysis
LH Schinasi, T Benmarhnia, AJ De Roos
Environmental research 161, 168-180, 2018
City-level impact of extreme temperatures and mortality in Latin America
JL Kephart, BN Sánchez, J Moore, LH Schinasi, M Bakhtsiyarava, Y Ju, ...
Nature medicine 28 (8), 1700-1705, 2022
Health impact assessment of Philadelphia's 2025 tree canopy cover goals
MC Kondo, N Mueller, DH Locke, LA Roman, D Rojas-Rueda, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 4 (4), e149-e157, 2020
A time series analysis of associations between daily temperature and crime events in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
LH Schinasi, GB Hamra
Journal of urban health 94, 892-900, 2017
The built and social neighborhood environment and child obesity: A systematic review of longitudinal studies
KM Daniels, LH Schinasi, AH Auchincloss, CB Forrest, AVD Roux
Preventive medicine 153, 106790, 2021
Multiple myeloma and family history of lymphohaematopoietic cancers: Results from the International Multiple Myeloma Consortium
LH Schinasi, EE Brown, NJ Camp, SS Wang, JN Hofmann, BC Chiu, ...
British journal of haematology 175 (1), 87-101, 2016
Using electronic health record data for environmental and place based population health research: a systematic review
LH Schinasi, AH Auchincloss, CB Forrest, AVD Roux
Annals of epidemiology 28 (7), 493-502, 2018
Ambient daily pollen levels in association with asthma exacerbation among children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AJ De Roos, CC Kenyon, Y Zhao, K Moore, S Melly, RA Hubbard, ...
Environment international 145, 106138, 2020
Associations between historical redlining and present-day heat vulnerability housing and land cover characteristics in Philadelphia, PA
LH Schinasi, C Kanungo, Z Christman, S Barber, L Tabb, I Headen
Journal of Urban Health 99 (1), 134-145, 2022
Insecticide exposure and farm history in relation to risk of lymphomas and leukemias in the Women's Health Initiative observational study cohort
LH Schinasi, AJ De Roos, RM Ray, KL Edlefsen, CG Parks, BV Howard, ...
Annals of epidemiology 25 (11), 803-810. e4, 2015
Assessment of occupational exposure to pesticides in a pooled analysis of agricultural cohorts within the AGRICOH consortium
M Brouwer, L Schinasi, LEB Freeman, I Baldi, P Lebailly, G Ferro, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 73 (6), 359-367, 2016
Associations of objective and perceived greenness measures with cardiovascular risk factors in Philadelphia, PA: A spatial analysis
P Knobel, M Kondo, R Maneja, Y Zhao, P Dadvand, LH Schinasi
Environmental Research 197, 110990, 2021
Effects of ambient air pollution on childhood asthma exacerbation in the Philadelphia metropolitan Region, 2011–2014
W Huang, LH Schinasi, CC Kenyon, K Moore, S Melly, RA Hubbard, ...
Environmental research 197, 110955, 2021
A case control study of environmental and occupational exposures associated with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage in patients admitted …
L Schinasi, S Wing, KL Augustino, KM Ramsey, DL Nobles, ...
Environmental Health 13, 1-12, 2014
Geocoding error, spatial uncertainty, and implications for exposure assessment and environmental epidemiology
EJ Kinnee, S Tripathy, L Schinasi, JLC Shmool, PE Sheffield, F Holguin, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (16), 5845, 2020
Temperature and mental health–related emergency department and hospital encounters among children, adolescents and young adults
L Niu, B Girma, B Liu, LH Schinasi, JE Clougherty, P Sheffield
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences 32, e22, 2023
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