Christopher Rosen
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
A review of self-determination theory’s basic psychological needs at work
A Van den Broeck, DL Ferris, CH Chang, CC Rosen
Journal of management 42 (5), 1195-1229, 2016
Work stress and employee health: A multidisciplinary review
DC Ganster, CC Rosen
Journal of management 39 (5), 1085-1122, 2013
The relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and employee attitudes, strain, and behavior: A meta-analytic examination
CH Chang, CC Rosen, PE Levy
Academy of Management journal 52 (4), 779-801, 2009
Core self-evaluations: A review and evaluation of the literature
CH Chang, DL Ferris, RE Johnson, CC Rosen, JA Tan
Journal of management 38 (1), 81-128, 2012
Assessing the impact of common method variance on higher order multidimensional constructs.
RE Johnson, CC Rosen, E Djurdjevic
Journal of applied psychology 96 (4), 744, 2011
Placing perceptions of politics in the context of the feedback environment, employee attitudes, and job performance.
CC Rosen, PE Levy, RJ Hall
Journal of applied psychology 91 (1), 211, 2006
Who strikes back? A daily investigation of when and why incivility begets incivility.
CC Rosen, J Koopman, AS Gabriel, RE Johnson
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (11), 1620, 2016
Let’s make a deal: Development and validation of the ex post i-deals scale
CC Rosen, DJ Slater, CH Chang, RE Johnson
Journal of Management 39 (3), 709-742, 2013
Getting to the core of core self‐evaluation: a review and recommendations
RE Johnson, CC Rosen, PE Levy
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2008
The fatiguing effects of camera use in virtual meetings: A within-person field experiment.
KM Shockley, AS Gabriel, D Robertson, CC Rosen, N Chawla, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (8), 1137, 2021
A new perspective on method variance: A measure-centric approach
PE Spector, CC Rosen, HA Richardson, LJ Williams, RE Johnson
Journal of management 45 (3), 855-880, 2019
Perceptions of the organizational context and psychological contract breach: Assessing competing perspectives
CC Rosen, CH Chang, RE Johnson, PE Levy
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 108 (2), 202-217, 2009
Approach or avoidance (or both?): Integrating core self‐evaluations within an approach/avoidance framework
DL Ferris, CR Rosen, RE Johnson, DJ Brown, SD Risavy, D Heller
Personnel Psychology 64 (1), 137-161, 2011
Recommendations for improving the construct clarity of higher-order multidimensional constructs
RE Johnson, CC Rosen, E Djurdjevic, MU Taing
Human Resource Management Review 22 (2), 62-72, 2012
Helping others or helping oneself? An episodic examination of the behavioral consequences of helping at work
AS Gabriel, J Koopman, CC Rosen, RE Johnson
Personnel Psychology 71 (1), 85-107, 2018
The emotional implications of organizational politics: A process model
CC Rosen, KJ Harris, KM Kacmar
Human relations 62 (1), 27-57, 2009
To aggregate or not to aggregate: Steps for developing and validating higher-order multidimensional constructs
RE Johnson, CC Rosen, CH Chang
Journal of Business and Psychology 26, 241-248, 2011
When is success not satisfying? Integrating regulatory focus and approach/avoidance motivation theories to explain the relation between core self-evaluation and job satisfaction.
DL Ferris, RE Johnson, CC Rosen, E Djurdjevic, CHD Chang, JA Tan
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (2), 342, 2013
College nursing faculty job satisfaction and retention: A national perspective
P Lee, MT Miller, TA Kippenbrock, C Rosen, J Emory
Journal of Professional Nursing 33 (4), 261-266, 2017
LMX, context perceptions, and performance: An uncertainty management perspective
CC Rosen, KJ Harris, KM Kacmar
Journal of Management 37 (3), 819-838, 2011
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