Holger L. Kern
Holger L. Kern
Associate Professor of Political Science, Florida State University
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Modeling heterogeneous treatment effects in survey experiments with Bayesian additive regression trees
DP Green, HL Kern
Public Opinion Quarterly 76 (3), 491-511, 2012
Opium for the masses: How foreign media can stabilize authoritarian regimes
HL Kern, J Hainmueller
Political Analysis 17 (4), 377-399, 2009
Incumbency as a source of spillover effects in mixed electoral systems: Evidence from a regression-discontinuity design
J Hainmueller, HL Kern
Electoral Studies 27 (2), 213-227, 2008
Assessing methods for generalizing experimental impact estimates to target populations
HL Kern, EA Stuart, J Hill, DP Green
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 9 (1), 103-127, 2016
Testing the accuracy of regression discontinuity analysis using experimental benchmarks
DP Green, TY Leong, HL Kern, AS Gerber, CW Larimer
Political Analysis 17 (4), 400-417, 2009
Do street-level bureaucrats discriminate based on religion? A large-scale correspondence experiment among American public school principals
S Pfaff, C Crabtree, HL Kern, JB Holbein
Public Administration Review 81 (2), 244–259, 2021
A spatial analysis of the impact of West German television on protest mobilization during the East German revolution
C Crabtree, D Darmofal, HL Kern
Journal of Peace Research 52 (3), 269-284, 2015
Electoral balancing, divided government and "midterm" loss in German elections
HL Kern, J Hainmueller
Journal of Legislative Studies 12 (2), 127-149, 2006
Foreign media and protest diffusion in authoritarian regimes: The case of the 1989 East German revolution
HL Kern
Comparative Political Studies 44 (9), 1179-1205, 2011
Baseline, placebo, and treatment: Efficient estimation for three-group experiments
AS Gerber, DP Green, EH Kaplan, HL Kern
Political Analysis 18 (3), 297-315, 2010
Cults of personality, preference falsification, and the dictator's dilemma
C Crabtree, HL Kern, DA Siegel
Journal of Theoretical Politics 32 (3), 409-434, 2020
Strategies of legal change: Great Britain, international law, and the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade
HL Kern
Journal of the History of International Law 6 (2), 233-258, 2004
Combining double sampling and bounds to address non-ignorable missing outcomes in randomized experiments
A Coppock, AS Gerber, DP Green, HL Kern
Political Analysis 25 (2), 188-206, 2017
Using electromagnetic signal propagation models for radio and television broadcasts: An introduction
C Crabtree, HL Kern
Political Analysis 26 (3), 348-355, 2018
When do private actors engage in censorship? Evidence from a correspondence experiment with Russian private media firms
QH Beazer, CD Crabtree, CJ Fariss, HL Kern
British Journal of Political Science 52 (4), 1790-1809, 2022
Mass media and the diffusion of collective action in authoritarian regimes: The June 1953 East German uprising
C Crabtree, HL Kern, S Pfaff
International Studies Quarterly 62 (2), 301-314, 2018
The political consequences of transitions out of marriage in Great Britain
HL Kern
Electoral Studies 29 (2), 249-258, 2010
Wahlkreisarbeit zahlt sich doppelt aus: Zur Wirkung des Amtsinhaberstatus einer Partei auf ihren Zweitstimmenanteil bei den Bundestagswahlen 1949 bis 1998
J Hainmüller, HL Kern, MM Bechtel
Jahrbuch für Handlungs-und Entscheidungstheorie, 11-45, 2006
Sponsorship effects in online surveys
C Crabtree, HL Kern, MT Pietryka
Political Behavior 44 (1), 257-270, 2022
Transitional justice and the rule of law: Tainted judges and accountability for Nazi crimes in West Germany
HL Kern, G Vanberg
Journal of Politics 86 (4), 1333-1347, 2024
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