Walter Ferrier
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The role of competitive action in market share erosion and industry dethronement: A study of industry leaders and challengers
WJ Ferrier, KG Smith, CM Grimm
Academy of management journal 42 (4), 372-388, 1999
Navigating the competitive landscape: The drivers and consequences of competitive aggressiveness
WJ Ferrier
Academy of management journal 44 (4), 858-877, 2001
Competitive dynamics research: Critique and future directions
KG Smith, WJ Ferrier, H Ndofor
The Blackwell handbook of strategic management, 309-354, 2005
Real options as engines of choice and heterogeneity
RG McGrath, WJ Ferrier, AL Mendelow
Academy of Management Review 29 (1), 86-101, 2004
Racial diversity and firm performance: The mediating role of competitive intensity
G Andrevski, OC Richard, JD Shaw, WJ Ferrier
Journal of Management 40 (3), 820-844, 2014
Enhancing performance with product-market innovation: the influence of the top management team
DW Lyon, WJ Ferrier
Journal of managerial Issues, 452-469, 2002
Value from gestalt: How sequences of competitive actions create advantage for firms in nascent markets
V Rindova, WJ Ferrier, R Wiltbank
Strategic Management Journal 31 (13), 1474-1497, 2010
The impact of performance distress on aggressive competitive behavior: A reconciliation of conflicting views
WJ Ferrier, CM Fhionnlaoich, KG Smith, CM Grimm
Managerial and Decision Economics 23 (4‐5), 301-316, 2002
Strategic aggressiveness, variation, and surprise: How the sequential pattern of competitive rivalry influences stock market returns
WJ Ferrier, H Lee
Journal of Managerial Issues, 162-180, 2002
Competitive repertoire complexity: Governance antecedents and performance outcomes
BL Connelly, L Tihanyi, DJ Ketchen Jr, CM Carnes, WJ Ferrier
Strategic Management Journal 38 (5), 1151-1173, 2017
King of the hill: Dethroning the industry leader
KG Smith, WJ Ferrier, CM Grimm
Academy of Management Perspectives 15 (2), 59-70, 2001
Competitive repertoire simplicity and firm performance: The moderating role of top management team heterogeneity
WJ Ferrier, DW Lyon
Managerial and decision economics 25 (6‐7), 317-327, 2004
Alliance portfolio configurations and competitive action frequency
G Andrevski, DJ Brass, WJ Ferrier
Journal of Management 42 (4), 811-837, 2016
Birds of a feather...? How supervisor-subordinate dissimilarity moderates the influence of supervisor behaviors on workplace attitudes
MK Duffy, WJ Ferrier
Group & Organization Management 28 (2), 217-248, 2003
Rivals’ reactions to mergers and acquisitions
K Uhlenbruck, M Hughes-Morgan, MA Hitt, WJ Ferrier, R Brymer
Strategic Organization 15 (1), 40-66, 2017
Organizational speed as a dynamic capability: Toward a holistic perspective
BJ Dykes, M Hughes-Morgan, KD Kolev, WJ Ferrier
Strategic Organization 17 (2), 266-278, 2019
Playing to win: The role of competitive disruption and aggressiveness
W Ferrier
Winning strategies in a deconstructing world, 317-327, 2000
The effect of national culture on partner buyouts in cross-border biotechnology alliances
TB Folta, WJ Ferrier
The Journal of High Technology Management Research 11 (2), 175-198, 2000
Editorial Commentary—Digital Systems and Competition
WJ Ferrier, CW Holsapple, R Sabherwal
Information systems research 21 (3), 413-422, 2010
Entrepreneurial orientation, collaborative engagement, and performance: Evidence from rural economic development organizations
B Ofem, B Arya, WJ Ferrier, SP Borgatti
Economic Development Quarterly 34 (3), 269-282, 2020
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