Alexander V. Sobolev
Alexander V. Sobolev
Distinguished Professor at ISTerre, University Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France
E-mail megerősítve itt: univ-grenoble-alpes.fr - Kezdőlap
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The amount of recycled crust in sources of mantle-derived melts
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, DV Kuzmin, GM Yaxley, NT Arndt, SL Chung, ...
Science 316 (5823), 412-417, 2007
An olivine-free mantle source of Hawaiian shield basalts
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, SV Sobolev, IK Nikogosian
Nature 434 (7033), 590-597, 2005
Linking mantle plumes, large igneous provinces and environmental catastrophes
SV Sobolev, AV Sobolev, DV Kuzmin, NA Krivolutskaya, AG Petrunin, ...
Nature 477 (7364), 312-316, 2011
H2O concentrations in primary melts from supra-subduction zones and mid-ocean ridges: Implications for H2O storage and recycling in the mantle
AV Sobolev, M Chaussidon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 137 (1), 45-55, 1996
Melt inclusions in minerals as a source of principle petrological information
AV Sobolev
Petrology 4 (3), 209-220, 1996
Petrology and geochemistry of boninites from the north termination of the Tonga Trench: constraints on the generation conditions of primary high-Ca boninite magmas
Journal of Petrology 35 (5), 1183-1211, 1994
Experimental and petrological studies of melt inclusions in phenocrysts from mantle-derived magmas: an overview of techniques, advantages and complications
LV Danyushevsky, AW McNeill, AV Sobolev
Chemical Geology 183 (1-4), 5-24, 2002
Ultra-depleted primary melt included in an olivine from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
AV Sobolev, N Shimizu
Nature 363 (6425), 151-154, 1993
The preparation and preliminary characterisation of eight geological MPI‐DING reference glasses for in‐situ microanalysis
KP Jochum, DB Dingwell, A Rocholl, B Stoll, AW Hofmann, S Becker, ...
Geostandards Newsletter 24 (1), 87-133, 2000
Recycled oceanic crust observed in ‘ghost plagioclase’within the source of Mauna Loa lavas
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, IK Nikogosian
Nature 404 (6781), 986-990, 2000
Melt inclusion record of the conditions of ascent, degassing, and extrusion of volatile‐rich alkali basalt during the powerful 2002 flank eruption of Mount Etna (Italy)
N Spilliaert, P Allard, N Métrich, AV Sobolev
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B4), 2006
Kimberlite melts rich in alkali chlorides and carbonates: a potent metasomatic agent in the mantle
MB Kamenetsky, AV Sobolev, VS Kamenetsky, R Maas, ...
Geology 32 (10), 845-848, 2004
Siberian meimechites: origin and relation to flood basalts and kimberlites
AV Sobolev, SV Sobolev, DV Kuzmin, KN Malitch, AG Petrunin
Russian Geology and Geophysics 50 (12), 999-1033, 2009
Olivine in the Udachnaya-East kimberlite (Yakutia, Russia): types, compositions and origins
VS Kamenetsky, MB Kamenetsky, AV Sobolev, AV Golovin, S Demouchy, ...
Journal of Petrology 49 (4), 823-839, 2008
Zircon response to diamond-pressure metamorphism in the Kokchetav massif, USSR
JC Claoue-Long, NV Sobolev, VS Shatsky, AV Sobolev
Geology 19 (7), 710-713, 1991
Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope evidence for a mantle origin of alkali chlorides and carbonates in the Udachnaya kimberlite, Siberia
R Maas, MB Kamenetsky, AV Sobolev, VS Kamenetsky, NV Sobolev
Geology 33 (7), 549-552, 2005
Olivine, and the origin of kimberlite
NT Arndt, M Guitreau, AM Boullier, A Le Roex, A Tommasi, P Cordier, ...
Journal of Petrology 51 (3), 573-602, 2010
Komatiites reveal a hydrous Archaean deep-mantle reservoir
AV Sobolev, EV Asafov, AA Gurenko, NT Arndt, VG Batanova, ...
Nature 531 (7596), 628-632, 2016
Composition and crystallization conditions of the initial melt of the Siberian meimechites in relation to the general problem of ultrabasic magmas
AV Sobolev, AB Slutskii
Geologiya i Geofizika (Soviet Geology and Geophysics) 25 (12), 97-110, 1984
Petrogenetic significance of minor elements in olivines from diamonds and peridotite xenoliths from kimberlites of Yakutia
NV Sobolev, AM Logvinova, DA Zedgenizov, NP Pokhilenko, ...
Lithos 112, 701-713, 2009
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