Emily McClung de Tapia
Emily McClung de Tapia
E-mail megerősítve itt: unam.mx
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The origins of agriculture: An international perspective
CW Cowan, NL Benco, PJ Watson
University of Alabama Press, 2006
The origins of agriculture in Mesoamerica and Central America
E McClung de Tapia
The origins of agriculture: An international perspective, 143-171, 1992
Los orígenes prehispánicos de una tradición alimentaria en la cuenca de México
EMC de Tapia, DM Yrízar, EI Morales, CCA Morán
Anales de antropología 48 (1), 97-121, 2014
Spatial variability of environment change in the Teotihuacan Valley during the Late Quaternary: Paleopedological inferences
E Solleiro-Rebolledo, S Sedov, EMC de Tapia, H Cabadas, ...
Quaternary International 156, 13-31, 2006
Paleosols in the Teotihuacan valley, Mexico: evidence for paleoenvironment and human impact
EMC de Tapia, ES Rebolledo, JEG Castro, JL Villalpando, S Sedov
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 20 (3), 270-282, 2003
Tepexpan revisited: A multiple proxy of local environmental changes in relation to human occupation from a paleolake shore section in Central Mexico
S Sedov, S Lozano-García, E Solleiro-Rebolledo, EMC de Tapia, ...
Geomorphology 122 (3-4), 309-322, 2010
Fluvial processes and paleopedogenesis in the Teotihuacan Valley, México: Responses to late Quaternary environmental changes
E Solleiro-Rebolledo, S Sycheva, S Sedov, EMC De Tapia, Y Rivera-Uria, ...
Quaternary International 233 (1), 40-52, 2011
Degradación ambiental en el valle Teotihuacan: evidencias geológicas y paleopedológicas
MY Rivera-Uria, S Sedov, E Solleiro-Rebolledo, J Pérez-Pérez, ...
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana 59 (2), 203-217, 2007
The black San Pablo paleosol of the Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico: Pedogenesis, fertility, and use in ancient agricultural and urban systems
S Sánchez‐Pérez, E Solleiro‐Rebolledo, S Sedov, EMC de Tapia, ...
Geoarchaeology 28 (3), 249-267, 2013
Trees and shrubs: the use of wood in prehispanic Teotihuacan
CC Adriano-Morán, EMC de Tapia
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (11), 2927-2936, 2008
Radiocarbon dates from soil profiles in the Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico: indicators of geomorphological processes
EMC De Tapia, ID Rubio, JG Castro, E Solleiro, S Sedov
Radiocarbon 47 (1), 159-175, 2005
The scale and structure of obsidian production in Teotihuacan
MW Spence, EMC de Tapia, EC Rattray
See McClung de Tapia & Rattray 1987, 429-50, 1987
Human sacrifice during the Epiclassic period in the northern Basin of Mexico
CT Morehart, AM Peñaloza, CS Sánchez, EMC De Tapia, EI Morales
Latin American Antiquity 23 (4), 426-448, 2012
Silent hazards, invisible risks: prehispanic erosion in the Teotihuacan Valley, Central Mexico
EMC de Tapia
Surviving sudden environmental change: understanding hazards, mitigating …, 2012
Etnobotánica de la cultura Teotihuacana
MT Vázquez-Alonso, R Bye, L López-Mata, MTP Pulido-Sala, ...
Botanical Sciences 92 (4), 563-574, 2014
Las primeras sociedades sedentarias
E McClung de Tapia, J Zurita
L. Manzanilla y L. López Luján (Coords.), Historia Antigua de México 1, 255-295, 2014
Contribuciones de la Ciencia del Suelo a la Investigación Arqueológica: El caso de Teotihuacan
JE Gama-Castro, E Solleiro-Rebolledo, E McClung, JL Villalpando, ...
Terra Latinoamericana 23 (1), 1-11, 2005
Una ocupación del periodo de agricultura temprana en Xochimilco (ca. 4200-4000 ane)
EMC de Tapia, GA Ochoa
Anales de Antropología 49 (2), 299-315, 2015
Formative lacustrine adaptation: botanical remains from Terremote-Tlaltenco, DF, México
EMC de Tapia, MC Serra Puche, AE Limón de Dyer
Journal of field archaeology 13 (1), 99-113, 1986
Ecología y cultura en Mesoamérica
E McClung de Tapia
(No Title), 1979
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