Locus of control and well-being at work: how generalizable are western findings? PE Spector, CL Cooper, JI Sanchez, M O'Driscoll, K Sparks, P Bernin, ... Academy of management journal 45 (2), 453-466, 2002 | 546 | 2002 |
Student teachers' professional identity formation: between being born as a teacher and becoming one A Schepens, A Aelterman, P Vlerick Educational studies 35 (4), 361-378, 2009 | 427 | 2009 |
Teacher education, graduates’ teaching commitment and entrance into the teaching profession I Rots, A Aelterman, P Vlerick, K Vermeulen Teaching and Teacher education 23 (5), 543-556, 2007 | 360 | 2007 |
Do national levels of individualism and internal locus of control relate to well‐being: an ecological level international study PE Spector, CL Cooper, JI Sanchez, M O'Driscoll, K Sparks, P Bernin, ... Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2001 | 284 | 2001 |
Emotion work and emotional exhaustion in teachers: The job and individual perspective G Näring, P Vlerick, B Van de Ven Educational Studies 38 (1), 63-72, 2012 | 256 | 2012 |
Scale reliability and validity of the Karasek'Job Demand-Control-Support'model in the Belstress study E Pelfrene, P Vlerick, RP Mak, P De Smet, M Kornitzer, G De Backer Work & stress 15 (4), 297-313, 2001 | 248 | 2001 |
Teacher education and the choice to enter the teaching profession: A prospective study I Rots, A Aelterman, G Devos, P Vlerick Teaching and teacher education 26 (8), 1619-1629, 2010 | 228 | 2010 |
Dimensions of distributed leadership and the impact on teachers' organizational commitment: A study in secondary education H Hulpia, G Devos, Y Rosseel, P Vlerick Journal of applied social psychology 42 (7), 1745-1784, 2012 | 204 | 2012 |
Psychosocial work environment and psychological well‐being: assessment of the buffering effects in the job demand–control (–support) model in BELSTRESS E Pelfrene, P Vlerick, F Kittel, RP Mak, M Kornitzer, GD Backer Stress and Health 18 (1), 43-56, 2002 | 200 | 2002 |
Patients' and personnel's perceptions of service quality and patient satisfaction in nuclear medicine S De Man, P Gemmel, P Vlerick, P Van Rijk, R Dierckx European Journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 29, 1109-1117, 2002 | 193 | 2002 |
Impact of recurrent changes in the work environment on nurses’ psychological well‐being and sickness absence R Verhaeghe, P Vlerick, P Gemmel, GV Maele, GD Backer Journal of advanced nursing 56 (6), 646-656, 2006 | 191 | 2006 |
End-of-life care of the geriatric patient and nurses’ moral distress RD Piers, M Van den Eynde, E Steeman, P Vlerick, DD Benoit, ... Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 13 (1), 80. e7-80. e13, 2012 | 165 | 2012 |
Food safety climate in food processing organizations: Development and validation of a self-assessment tool E De Boeck, L Jacxsens, M Bollaerts, P Vlerick Trends in Food Science & Technology 46 (2), 242-251, 2015 | 159 | 2015 |
Authentic leadership and thriving among nurses: the mediating role of empathy AV Mortier, P Vlerick, E Clays Journal of nursing management 24 (3), 357-365, 2016 | 155 | 2016 |
The love of money and pay level satisfaction: Measurement and functional equivalence in 29 geopolitical entities around the world TLP Tang, T Sutarso, A Akande, MW Allen, AS Alzubaidi, MA Ansari, ... Management and Organization Review 2 (3), 423-452, 2006 | 155 | 2006 |
Transformational leadership and safety performance among nurses: the mediating role of knowledge‐related job characteristics I Lievens, P Vlerick Journal of Advanced Nursing 70 (3), 651-661, 2014 | 154 | 2014 |
Impact of the effort–reward imbalance model on intent to leave among Belgian health care workers: A prospective study H Derycke, P Vlerick, N Burnay, C Decleire, W D'Hoore, HM Hasselhorn, ... Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 83 (4), 879-893, 2010 | 142 | 2010 |
Understanding mental workload: from a clarifying concept analysis toward an implementable framework BB Van Acker, DD Parmentier, P Vlerick, J Saldien Cognition, technology & work 20, 351-365, 2018 | 135 | 2018 |
The factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Maslach Burnout Inventory for human services S Vanheule, Y Rosseel, P Vlerick Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the …, 2007 | 133 | 2007 |
Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics: The Enron Effect—Love of money, corporate ethical values, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), and dishonesty across 31 … TLP Tang, T Sutarso, MA Ansari, VKG Lim, TSH Teo, F Arias-Galicia, ... Journal of Business Ethics 148, 919-937, 2018 | 108 | 2018 |