The relationship between social support and physiological processes: a review with emphasis on underlying mechanisms and implications for health. BN Uchino, JT Cacioppo, JK Kiecolt-Glaser Psychological bulletin 119 (3), 488, 1996 | 4619 | 1996 |
Social support and health: a review of physiological processes potentially underlying links to disease outcomes BN Uchino Journal of behavioral medicine 29, 377-387, 2006 | 3413 | 2006 |
Social support and physical health: Understanding the health consequences of relationships BN Uchino Yale university press, 2004 | 2143 | 2004 |
Understanding the links between social support and physical health: A life-span perspective with emphasis on the separability of perceived and received support BN Uchino Perspectives on psychological science 4 (3), 236-255, 2009 | 1988 | 2009 |
Social and emotional support and its implication for health M Reblin, BN Uchino Current opinion in psychiatry 21 (2), 201-205, 2008 | 1394 | 2008 |
The problem of equivalent models in applications of covariance structure analysis. RC MacCallum, DT Wegener, BN Uchino, LR Fabrigar Psychological bulletin 114 (1), 185, 1993 | 1177 | 1993 |
Loneliness and health in older adults: A mini-review and synthesis AD Ong, BN Uchino, E Wethington Gerontology 62 (4), 443-449, 2016 | 995 | 2016 |
Autonomic cardiac control. III. Psychological stress and cardiac response in autonomic space as revealed by pharmacological blockades GG Berntson, JT Cacioppo, PF Binkley, BN Uchino, KS Quigley, ... Psychophysiology 31 (6), 599-608, 1994 | 633 | 1994 |
Psychological pathways linking social support to health outcomes: A visit with the “ghosts” of research past, present, and future BN Uchino, K Bowen, MK Carlisle, W Birmingham Social science & medicine 74 (7), 949-957, 2012 | 605 | 2012 |
Autonomic cardiac control. II. Noninvasive indices and basal response as revealed by autonomic blockades JT Cacioppo, GG Berntson, PF Binkley, KS Quigley, BN Uchino, ... Psychophysiology 31 (6), 586-598, 1994 | 554 | 1994 |
Close relationship processes and health: implications of attachment theory for health and disease. PR Pietromonaco, B Uchino, C Dunkel Schetter Health psychology 32 (5), 499, 2013 | 504 | 2013 |
Social support, physiological processes, and health BN Uchino, D Uno, J Holt-Lunstad Current Directions in Psychological Science 8 (5), 145-148, 1999 | 369 | 1999 |
Heterogeneity in neuroendocrine and immune responses to brief psychologicalstressors as a function of autonomic cardiac activation JT Cacioppo, WB Malarkey, JK Kiecolt-Glaser, BN Uchino, ... Psychosomatic medicine 57 (2), 154-164, 1995 | 367 | 1995 |
Social support, social integration, and inflammatory cytokines: A meta-analysis. BN Uchino, R Trettevik, RG Kent de Grey, S Cronan, J Hogan, ... Health Psychology 37 (5), 462, 2018 | 338 | 2018 |
Individual differences in the autonomic origins of heart rate reactivity: The psychometrics of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and preejection period JT Cacioppo, BN Uchino, GG Berntson Psychophysiology 31 (4), 412-419, 1994 | 325 | 1994 |
Subjective social status: construct validity and associations with psychosocial vulnerability and self-rated health JM Cundiff, TW Smith, BN Uchino, CA Berg International journal of behavioral medicine 20, 148-158, 2013 | 308 | 2013 |
Heterogeneity in the social networks of young and older adults: Prediction of mental health and cardiovascular reactivity during acute stress BN Uchino, J Holt-Lunstad, D Uno, JB Flinders Journal of behavioral medicine 24, 361-382, 2001 | 298 | 2001 |
Matters of the variable heart: respiratory sinus arrhythmia response to marital interaction and associations with marital quality. TW Smith, MR Cribbet, JB Nealey-Moore, BN Uchino, PG Williams, ... Journal of personality and social psychology 100 (1), 103, 2011 | 285 | 2011 |
Social support and health. CE Ross Contemporary Sociology 15 (2), 273-275, 1986 | 282 | 1986 |
Social support and sleep: A meta-analysis. RG Kent de Grey, BN Uchino, R Trettevik, S Cronan, JN Hogan Health Psychology 37 (8), 787, 2018 | 266 | 2018 |