Jordi Escartín
Jordi Escartín
Accredited Full Professor. Social and Quantitative Psychology Department. University of Barcelona
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Empirical findings on prevalence and risk groups of bullying in the workplace
D Zapf, J Escartin, M Scheppa-Lahyani, SV Einarsen, H Hoel, M Vartia
Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace: Theory, Research and Practice, 105, 2020
Workers' perception of workplace bullying: A cross-cultural study
J Escartin, D Zapf, C Arrieta, A Rodriguez-Carballeira
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 20 (2), 178-205, 2011
Psychosocial safety climate (PSC) and enacted PSC for workplace bullying and psychological health problem reduction
MF Dollard, C Dormann, MR Tuckey, J Escartín
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 26 (6), 844-857, 2017
Individual‐and group‐level effects of social identification on workplace bullying
J Escartín, J Ullrich, D Zapf, E Schlüter, R van Dick
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 22 (2), 182-193, 2013
Who leads more and why? A mediation model from gender to leadership role occupancy
AS Hernandez Bark, J Escartín, SC Schuh, R van Dick
Journal of Business Ethics 139, 473-483, 2016
Perceived severity of various bullying behaviours at work and the relevance of exposure to bullying
J Escartín, A Rodríguez-Carballeira, D Zapf, C Porrúa, J Martín-Peña
Work & Stress 23 (3), 191-205, 2009
Towards a conceptual and empirical differentiation between workplace bullying and interpersonal conflict
E Baillien, J Escartín, C Gross, D Zapf
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 26 (6), 870-881, 2017
Insights into workplace bullying: psychosocial drivers and effective interventions
J Escartín
Psychology research and behavior management, 157-169, 2016
Conceptualizations of workplace bullying
J Escartín, D Salin, Á Rodríguez-Carballeira
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2011
Workplace bullying across the globe: A cross-cultural comparison
D Salin, R Cowan, O Adewumi, E Apospori, J Bochantin, P D’Cruz, ...
Personnel Review 48 (1), 204-219, 2018
Collective Self-Esteem and Depressive Symptomatology in Lesbians and Gay Men: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-Stigma and Psychological Abuse
L Longares, J Escartín, Á Rodríguez-Carballeira
Journal of Homosexuality 63 (11), 1481-1501, 2016
Prevention of and interventions in workplace bullying: A global study of human resource professionals’ reflections on preferred action
D Salin, RL Cowan, O Adewumi, E Apospori, J Bochantin, P D’Cruz, ...
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 31 (20), 2622-2644, 2020
Categorization and hierarchy of workplace bullying strategies: A Delphi survey
Á Rodríguez-Carballeira, JE Solanelles, BV Vinacua, CP García, ...
The Spanish journal of psychology 13 (1), 297-308, 2010
Development and validation of the workplace bullying scale EAPA-T
J Escartín, Á Rodríguez-Carballeira, J Gómez-Benito, D Zapf
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 10 (3), 519-539, 2010
Un estudio comparativo de las estrategias de abuso psicológico: en pareja, en el lugar de trabajo y en grupos manipulativos
Á Rodríguez Carballeira, C Almendros, J Escartín Solanelles, ...
Anuario de Psicología, 2005, vol. 36, núm. 3, p. 299-314, 2005
Gender and leadership in Spain: A systematic review of some key aspects
AS Hernandez Bark, J Escartín, R van Dick
Sex Roles 70, 522-537, 2014
The presence of workplace bullying and harassment worldwide
JM León-Pérez, J Escartín, G Giorgi
Concepts, approaches and methods, 55-86, 2021
Mobbing. Acoso psicológico en el trabajo
J Escartín, Á Rodríguez-Carballeira, D & Zapf
Editorial Síntesis (ISBN: 9788497568036), 2012
" Mobbing" o acoso laboral: revisión de los principales aspectos teórico-metodológicos que dificultan su estudio
J Escartín-Solanelles, C Arrieta-Salas, Á Rodríguez-Carballeira
Actualidades en psicología 23 (110-111), 1-19, 2010
Development and validation of the scale of psychological abuse in intimate partner violence (EAPA-P).
C Porrúa Garcia, Á Rodríguez Carballeira, J Escartín Solanelles, ...
Psicothema, 2016, vol. 28, num. 2, p. 214-221, 2016
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