Anti-tumor Promoting Activity of Bufadienolides from Kalanchoe pinnata and K. daigremontiana× butiflora U Supratman, T Fujita, K Akiyama, H Hayashi, A Murakami, H Sakai, ... Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 65 (4), 947-949, 2001 | 231 | 2001 |
Elusidasi struktur senyawa organik U Supratman Bandung: Widya Padjadjaran, 94-102, 2010 | 230 | 2010 |
New insecticidal bufadienolide, bryophyllin C, from Kalanchoe pinnata U Supratman, T Fujita, K Akiyama, H Hayashi Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 64 (6), 1310-1312, 2000 | 160 | 2000 |
Colour properties, stability, and free radical scavenging activity of jambolan (Syzygium cumini) fruit anthocyanins in a beverage model system: Natural and copigmented anthocyanins P Sari, CH Wijaya, D Sajuthi, U Supratman Food Chemistry 132 (4), 1908-1914, 2012 | 144 | 2012 |
Insecticidal compounds from Kalanchoe daigremontiana× tubiflora U Supratman, T Fujita, K Akiyama, H Hayashi Phytochemistry 58 (2), 311-314, 2001 | 79 | 2001 |
Digital media literacy to higher students in Indonesia LP Supratman, A Wahyudin International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 2 (5), 239217, 2017 | 68 | 2017 |
Triterpenes and steroids from the leaves of Aglaia exima (Meliaceae) K Awang, XM Loong, KH Leong, U Supratman, M Litaudon, MR Mukhtar, ... Fitoterapia 83 (8), 1391-1395, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |
Antifeedant Triterpenoids from the Seeds and Bark of Lansium domesticum cv Kokossan (Meliaceae) T Mayanti, R Tjokronegoro, U Supratman, MR Mukhtar, K Awang, ... Molecules 16 (4), 2785-2795, 2011 | 63 | 2011 |
Flavonoid compounds from the leaves of Kalanchoe prolifera and their cytotoxic activity against P-388 murine leukimia cells LS Aisyah, YF Yun, T Herlina, E Julaeha, A Zainuddin, I Nurfarida, ... Natural Product Sciences 23 (2), 139-145, 2017 | 59 | 2017 |
Cytotoxic triterpenoids from the bark of Aglaia smithii (Meliaceae) D Harneti, R Tjokronegoro, A Safari, U Supratman, XM Loong, ... Phytochemistry Letters 5 (3), 496-499, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
Cytotoxic constituents from the bark of Aglaia eximia (Meliaceae) D Harneti, A Supriadin, M Ulfah, A Safari, U Supratman, K Awang, ... Phytochemistry Letters 8, 28-31, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Phytochemistry and biological activities of Aglaia species D Harneti, U Supratman Phytochemistry 181, 112540, 2021 | 53 | 2021 |
Cycloart-24-ene-26-ol-3-one, a New Cycloartane Isolated from Leaves of Aglaia exima Triggers Tumour Necrosis Factor-Receptor 1-Mediated Caspase … KH Leong, CY Looi, XM Loong, FK Cheah, U Supratman, M Litaudon, ... PLoS One 11 (4), e0152652, 2016 | 49 | 2016 |
New metabolites produced by endophyte Clonostachys rosea B5 − 2 U Supratman, T Suzuki, T Nakamura, Y Yokoyama, D Harneti, ... Natural Product Research 35 (9), 1525-1531, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |
Nutmeg extract increases skeletal muscle mass in aging rats partly via IGF1‐AKT‐mTOR pathway and inhibition of autophagy YS Pratiwi, R Lesmana, H Goenawan, N Sylviana, I Setiawan, ... Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018 (1), 2810840, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
Isolation of a Phomoxanthone A Derivative, a New Metabolite of Tetrahydroxanthone, from a Phomopsis sp. Isolated from the Mangrove, Rhizhopora mucronata Y Shiono, T Sasaki, F Shibuya, Y Yasuda, T Koseki, U Supratman Natural Product Communications 8 (12), 1934578X1300801220, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
A new limonoid from stem bark of Chisocheton pentandrus (Meliaceae) Supriatno, Nurlelasari, T Herlina, D Harneti, R Maharani, AT Hidayat, ... Natural Product Research 32 (21), 2610-2616, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Limonoids from the Seeds of Chisocheton macrophyllus Nurlelasari, DG Katja, D Harneti, MM Wardayo, U Supratman, K Awang Chemistry of Natural Compounds 53, 83-87, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
New naphthoquinone derivatives from Fusarium napiforme of a mangrove plant U Supratman, N Hirai, S Sato, K Watanabe, A Malik, S Annas, D Harneti, ... Natural Product Research 35 (9), 1406-1412, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
Mosquito larvicidal limonoids from the fruits of Chisocheton erythrocarpus Hiern SL Chong, A Hematpoor, H Hazni, M Sofian-Azirun, M Litaudon, ... Phytochemistry Letters 30, 69-73, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |