J Jeffrey Inman
J Jeffrey Inman
Katz Graduate School of Business - University of Pittsburgh
E-mail megerősítve itt: katz.pitt.edu - Kezdőlap
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From Multi-Channel Retailing to Omni-Channel Retailing
PC Verhoef, PK Kannan, JJ Inman
Journal of Retailing 91 (2), 174-181, 2015
Why switch? Product category-level explanations for true variety-seeking behavior
HCM Van Trijp, WD Hoyer, JJ Inman
Journal of Marketing Research, 281-292, 1996
The Interplay Among Category Characteristics, Customer Characteristics, and Customer Activities on In-Store Decision Making
JJ Inman, RS Winer, R Ferraro
Journal of Marketing 73 (5), 19-29, 2009
Innovations in Shopper Marketing: Current Insights and Future Research Issues
V Shankar, JJ Inman, M Mantrala, E Kelley, R Rizley
Journal of Retailing 87 (1), S29-S42, 2011
Promotion signal: proxy for a price cut?
JJ Inman, L McAlister, WD Hoyer
Journal of Consumer Research, 74-81, 1990
Shopper-facing retail technology: a retailer adoption decision framework incorporating shopper attitudes and privacy concerns
JJ Inman, H Nikolova
Journal of Retailing 93 (1), 7-28, 2017
Situational price sensitivity: the role of consumption occasion, social context and income
KL Wakefield, JJ Inman
Journal of Retailing 79 (4), 199-212, 2003
A generalized utility model of disappointment and regret effects on post-choice valuation
JJ Inman, JS Dyer, J Jia
Marketing Science, 97-111, 1997
What you don't know about customer-perceived quality: The role of customer expectation distributions
RT Rust, JJ Inman, J Jia, A Zahorik
Marketing Science 18 (1), 77-92, 1999
Regret in repeat purchase versus switching decisions: The attenuating role of decision justifiability
JJ Inman, M Zeelenberg
Journal of Consumer Research 29 (1), 116-128, 2002
Framing the deal: The role of restrictions in accentuating deal value
JJ Inman, AC Peter, P Raghubir
Journal of Consumer research 24 (1), 68-79, 1997
The influence of incidental affect on consumers’ food intake
N Garg, B Wansink, JJ Inman
Journal of Marketing 71 (1), 194-206, 2007
The effect of in-store travel distance on unplanned spending: Applications to mobile promotion strategies
SK Hui, JJ Inman, Y Huang, J Suher
Journal of Marketing 77 (2), 1-16, 2013
The role of sensory-specific satiety in attribute-level variety seeking
JJ Inman
Journal of Consumer Research 28 (1), 105-120, 2001
A meta-analysis of relationships between ad-evoked feelings and advertising responses
SP Brown, PM Homer, JJ Inman
Journal of Marketing Research, 114-126, 1998
Do coupon expiration dates affect consumer behavior?
JJ Inman, L McAlister
Journal of Marketing Research, 423-428, 1994
Promotion has a negative effect on brand evaluations—or does it? Additional disconfirming evidence
S Davis, JJ Inman, L McAlister
Journal of Marketing Research 29 (1), 143-148, 1992
The roles of channel-category associations and geodemographics in channel patronage
JJ Inman, V Shankar, R Ferraro
Journal of Marketing, 51-71, 2004
Planning to make unplanned purchases? The role of in-store slack in budget deviation
KM Stilley, JJ Inman, KL Wakefield
Journal of Consumer Research 37 (2), 264-278, 2010
The three faces of consumer promotions
P Raghubir, JJ Inman, H Grande
California Management Review 46, 23-42, 2004
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