Melanie Röthlisberger
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Around the world in three alternations: Modeling syntactic variation in varieties of English
B Szmrecsanyi, J Grafmiller, B Heller, M Röthlisberger
English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 37 (2), 109-137, 2016
Cognitive indigenization effects in the English dative alternation
M Röthlisberger, J Grafmiller, B Szmrecsanyi
Cognitive Linguistics 28 (4), 673-710, 2017
Regional variation in probabilistic grammars: A multifactorial study of the English dative alternation
M Röthlisberger
Spotting and designing promiscuous ligands for drug discovery
P Schneider, M Röthlisberger, D Reker, G Schneider
Chemical Communications 52 (6), 1135-1138, 2016
General introduction: A comparative perspective on probabilistic variation in grammar
J Grafmiller, B Szmrecsanyi, M Röthlisberger, B Heller
Glossa. A Journal of General Linguistics 3 (1), 1-10, 2018
Predicting voice alternation across academic Englishes
M Hundt, M Röthlisberger, E Seoane
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17 (1), 189-222, 2021
Reproducible research practices and transparency across linguistics
A Bochynska, L Keeble, C Halfacre, JV Casillas, IA Champagne, K Chen, ...
Glossa Psycholinguistics 2 (1), 2023
Dialect typology: Recent advances
M Röthlisberger, B Szmrecsanyi
Handbook of the changing world language map, 131-156, 2020
The social embedding of a syntactic alternation: Variable particle placement in Ontario English
M Röthlisberger, SA Tagliamonte
Language Variation and Change 32 (3), 317-348, 2020
Probabilistic indigenization effects at the lexis–syntax interface
I Tamaredo, M Röthlisberger, J Grafmiller, B Heller
English Language & Linguistics 24 (2), 413-440, 2020
World Englishes from the perspective of dialect typology
B Szmrecsanyi, M Röthlisberger
Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, 2020
The dative dataset of World Englishes
M Röthlisberger
KU Leuven, 2018
Of-genitive versus s-genitive: A corpus-based analysis of possessive constructions in 20thcentury English
M Röthlisberger, G Schneider, P Bennett, M Durrell, S Scheible, RJ Whitt
Narr Verlag, 2013
Between context and community: Regional variation in register effects in the English dative alternation
M Röthlisberger
Corpus-based approaches to register variation, 111-142, 2021
Big data on trial: Researching syntactic alternations in GloWbE and ICE
B Heller, M Röthlisberger
From Data to Evidence (d2e), Date: 2015/10/19-2015/10/22, Location: Helsinki, 2015
Guidelines for the dative alternation
M Röthlisberger
Available at melanie-roethlisberger. ch/data, 2018
Ditransitive constructions in Germanic languages: New avenues and new challenges
E Zehentner, M Röthlisberger, T Colleman
Ditransitives in Germanic Languages: Synchronic and diachronic aspects, 1-18, 2023
Differences in syntactic annotation affect retrieval: Verb-attached PPs in the history of English
E Zehentner, M Hundt, G Schneider, M Röthlisberger
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 28 (3), 378-406, 2023
Social constraints on syntactic variation: The role of gender in Jamaican English ditransitive constructions
M Röthlisberger, T Bernaisch
Studies in English Language, 147-175, 2021
Extending the scope of lectometry
L Rosseel, K Franco, M Röthlisberger
Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, 131-143, 2020
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