Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Thomas H. BoagTovábbi információ
Valahol hozzáférhető: 17
Calibrating the coevolution of Ediacaran life and environment
AD Rooney, MD Cantine, KD Bergmann, I Gómez-Pérez, B Al Baloushi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (29), 16824-16830, 2020
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, Natural Sciences …
Biotic replacement and mass extinction of the Ediacara biota
SAF Darroch, EA Sperling, TH Boag, RA Racicot, SJ Mason, AS Morgan, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1814), 20151003, 2015
Megbízások: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Natural Sciences and …
Exceptionally preserved fossil assemblages through geologic time and space
AD Muscente, JD Schiffbauer, J Broce, M Laflamme, K O'Donnell, ...
Gondwana Research 48, 164-188, 2017
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
Ediacaran distributions in space and time: testing assemblage concepts of earliest macroscopic body fossils
TH Boag, SAF Darroch, M Laflamme
Paleobiology 42 (4), 574-594, 2016
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Ediacaran biozones identified with network analysis provide evidence for pulsed extinctions of early complex life
AD Muscente, N Bykova, TH Boag, LA Buatois, MG Mángano, A Eleish, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 911, 2019
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
A mixed Ediacaran-metazoan assemblage from the Zaris Sub-basin, Namibia
SAF Darroch, TH Boag, RA Racicot, S Tweedt, SJ Mason, DH Erwin, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 459, 198-208, 2016
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
The trace fossil record of the Nama Group, Namibia: exploring the terminal Ediacaran roots of the Cambrian explosion
SAF Darroch, AT Cribb, LA Buatois, GJB Germs, CG Kenchington, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 212, 103435, 2021
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Federal …
Environmental disturbance, resource availability, and biologic turnover at the dawn of animal life
AD Muscente, TH Boag, N Bykova, JD Schiffbauer
Earth-Science Reviews 177, 248-264, 2018
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation
Increase in metazoan ecosystem engineering prior to the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary in the Nama Group, Namibia
AT Cribb, CG Kenchington, B Koester, BM Gibson, TH Boag, RA Racicot, ...
Royal Society open science 6 (9), 190548, 2019
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Oxygen, temperature and the deep-marine stenothermal cradle of Ediacaran evolution
TH Boag, RG Stockey, LE Elder, PM Hull, EA Sperling
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1893), 20181724, 2018
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
The sedimentary geochemistry and paleoenvironments project
ÚC Farrell, R Samawi, S Anjanappa, R Klykov, OO Adeboye, H Agic, ...
Geobiology 19 (6), 545-556, 2021
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Villum Foundation, UK Natural Environment …
Breathless through time: oxygen and animals across Earth’s history
EA Sperling, TH Boag, MI Duncan, CR Endriga, JA Marquez, DB Mills, ...
The Biological Bulletin 243 (2), 184-206, 2022
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation
Metabolic tradeoffs control biodiversity gradients through geological time
TH Boag, W Gearty, RG Stockey
Current Biology 31 (13), 2906-2913. e3, 2021
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Paleoenvironmental analysis of Ernietta-bearing Ediacaran deposits in southern Namibia
KM Maloney, TH Boag, AJ Facciol, BM Gibson, A Cribb, BE Koester, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 556, 109884, 2020
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Oxygen availability and body mass modulate ectotherm responses to ocean warming
MI Duncan, F Micheli, TH Boag, JA Marquez, H Deres, CA Deutsch, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3811, 2023
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation
Integrated litho-, chemo-and sequence stratigraphy of the Ediacaran Gametrail Formation across a shelf-slope transect in the Wernecke Mountains, Yukon, Canada
JF Busch, TH Boag, EA Sperling, AD Rooney, X Feng, DP Moynihan, ...
American Journal of Science 323, 4, 2023
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation
Thermal optima in the hypoxia tolerance of marine ectotherms: Physiological causes and biogeographic consequences
MGA Endress, JL Penn, TH Boag, BP Burford, EA Sperling, CA Deutsch
PLoS biology 22 (1), e3002443, 2024
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
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