Raul Sena Ferreira
Raul Sena Ferreira
További nevekRaul S Ferreira, R S Ferreira
Continental AG
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Out-of-distribution detection is not all you need
J Guérin, K Delmas, R Ferreira, J Guiochet
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 37 (12), 14829 …, 2023
AMANDA: Semi-supervised Density-based Adaptive Model for Non-stationary Data with Extreme Verification Latency
RS Ferreira, G Zimbrao, L Alvim
Information Sciences 488, 219-237, 2019
Benchmarking Safety Monitors for Image Classifiers with Machine Learning
R Sena Ferreira, J Arlat, J Guiochet, H Waeselynck
26th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC …, 2021
Unifying evaluation of machine learning safety monitors
J Guerin, RS Ferreira, K Delmas, J Guiochet
2022 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2022
Density-based Core Support Extraction for Non-stationary Environments with Extreme Verification Latency
RS Ferreira, B Accioli, W William, G Zimbrão, L Alvim
7th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2018
Myosotis: An Information System Applied to Missing People Problem
RS Ferreira, CG de Oliveira, AAB Lima
XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI), 2018
MPC with Machine Learning Applied to Resource Allocation Problem using Lambda Architecture
M Dal Pont, RS Ferreira, W Teixeira, D Lima, J Normey Rico
12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, 2019
Simood: Evolutionary testing simulation with out-of-distribution images
RS Ferreira, J Guérin, J Guiochet, H Waeselynck
2022 IEEE 27th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing …, 2022
AMANDA: Density-based Adaptive Model for Non-stationary Data under Extreme Verification Latency Scenarios
RS Ferreira, G Zimbrao, LGM Alvim
PhD thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 2018
Platform of the Brazilian CSOs: Open Government Data and Crowdsourcing for the Promotion of Citizenship
RS Ferreira, V Praia, PB Heraldo Filho, F Bonecini, A Vieira, F Lopez
XIII simpósio brasileiro de sistemas de informação (SBSI), 17-23, 2017
Sena: Similarity-based error-checking of neural activations
RS Ferreira, J Guerin, J Guiochet, H Waeselynck
ECAI 2023, 724-731, 2023
Using GPU to accelerate heuristics to site observers in DEM terrains
SVG Magalhaes, MVA Andrade, RS Ferreira
IADIS Applied Computing (AC 2011), 127-133, 2011
Towards safety monitoring of ML-based perception tasks of autonomous systems
R S. Ferreira
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2020
Weightless Neural Network WiSARD Applied to Online Recommender Systems
KP Cotta, RS Ferreira, F França
7th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2018
Paralelização do algoritmo de Método de Estimação Não-Paramétrico por Núcleo Estimador Multivariado (KDE) utilizando GPU/CUDA
RS Ferreira, JEH Valenzuela, M Zamith
II Reunião Anual de Iniciação Científica - UFRRJ, 2014
Acelerando Algoritmos de Machine Learning em Ambientes não Estacionários Usando OpenMP
C Magela, M Zamith, RS Ferreira
Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho (ERAD-RJ), 2018
TransReport: Collaborative Supervision of the Public Transportation
RS Ferreira, R Prata, CE Barbosa, V Mororo, KP Cotta, JM de Souza
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2017
Missing Persons Brazilian Database
RS Ferreira
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.283320, 2015
Safety Monitoring of Machine Learning Perception Functions: a Survey
RS Ferreira, J Guérin, K Delmas, J Guiochet, H Waeselynck
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.06869, 2024
Test and validation of perception-based ADAS: modern solutions to traditional challenges
RS Ferreira
23rd Driving Simulation Conference Europe (DSC 2024), 2024
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