An integrated management systems approach to corporate social responsibility M Asif, C Searcy, A Zutshi, OAM Fisscher Journal of cleaner production 56, 7-17, 2013 | 572 | 2013 |
An integrated management systems approach to corporate sustainability M Asif, C Searcy, A Zutshi, N Ahmad European business review 23 (4), 353-367, 2011 | 287 | 2011 |
A model for total quality management in higher education M Asif, MU Awan, MK Khan, N Ahmad Quality & Quantity 47, 1883-1904, 2013 | 226 | 2013 |
Including sustainability in business excellence models M Asif, C Searcy, R Garvare, N Ahmad Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 22 (7), 773-786, 2011 | 226 | 2011 |
Process embedded design of integrated management systems M Asif, EJ de Bruijn, OAM Fisscher, C Searcy, HJ Steenhuis International journal of quality & reliability management 26 (3), 261-282, 2009 | 213 | 2009 |
A composite index for measuring performance in higher education institutions M Asif, C Searcy International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 31 (9), 983-1001, 2014 | 149 | 2014 |
Integration of management systems: A methodology for operational excellence and strategic flexibility M Asif, OAM Fisscher, EJ de Bruijn, M Pagell Operations management research 3, 146-160, 2010 | 149 | 2010 |
Are QM Models Aligned with Industry 4.0? A Perspective on Current Practices M Asif Journal of cleaner production, 2020 | 145 | 2020 |
A review of Dutch corporate sustainable development reports M Asif, C Searcy, P Santos, D Kensah Corporate social responsibility and environmental management 20 (6), 321-339, 2013 | 145 | 2013 |
Why quality management programs fail: a strategic and operations management perspective M Asif, E Joost de Bruijn, A Douglas, OAM Fisscher International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 26 (8), 778-794, 2009 | 135 | 2009 |
ESG and Industry 5.0: The role of technologies in enhancing ESG disclosure M Asif, C Searcy, P Castka Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023 | 129 | 2023 |
Meta‐management of integration of management systems M Asif, E Joost de Bruijn, OAM Fisscher, C Searcy The TQM Journal 22 (6), 570-582, 2010 | 110 | 2010 |
An examination of strategies employed for the integration of management systems M Asif, OAM Fisscher, E Joost de Bruijn, M Pagell The TQM Journal 22 (6), 648-669, 2010 | 100 | 2010 |
Developing measures for performance excellence: is the Baldrige criteria sufficient for performance excellence in higher education? M Asif, A Raouf, C Searcy Quality & Quantity 47, 3095-3111, 2013 | 91 | 2013 |
Determining the key capabilities required for performance excellence in higher education M Asif, C Searcy Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 25 (1-2), 22-35, 2014 | 89 | 2014 |
Exploring the antecedents of ambidexterity: a taxonomic approach M Asif Management Decision 55 (7), 1489-1505, 2017 | 86 | 2017 |
What service excellence can learn from business excellence models M Asif, MHJ Gouthier Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 25 (5-6), 511-531, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
Towards a standardised management system for corporate sustainable development M Asif, C Searcy The TQM Journal 26 (5), 411-430, 2014 | 76 | 2014 |
Knowledge creation through quality management M Asif, HJ de Vries, N Ahmad Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 24 (5-6), 664-677, 2013 | 72 | 2013 |
Setting the course for quality assurance in higher education M Asif, A Raouf Quality & Quantity 47, 2009-2024, 2013 | 68 | 2013 |