Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Edward StanleyTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 3
Prepollex diversity and evolution in Cophomantini (Anura: Hylidae: Hylinae)
PDP Pinheiro, BL Blotto, SR Ron, EL Stanley, PCA Garcia, CFB Haddad, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 195 (3), 995-1021, 2022
Megbízások: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Government of Argentina
A look in to the neurocranium of living and extinct Lepidosauria
A Paulina-Carabajal, P Jiménez-Huidobro, LN Triviño, EL Stanley, ...
Paleoneurology of Amniotes: New Directions in the Study of Fossil Endocasts …, 2022
Megbízások: Government of Argentina
KA Wolcott, EL Stanley, OA Gutierrez, S Wuchty, BA Whitlock
Applications in Plant Sciences 11 (5), 2023
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation
Valahol hozzáférhető: 58
Systematics of the neotropical genus Leptodactylus Fitzinger, 1826 (Anura: Leptodactylidae): phylogeny, the relevance of non-molecular evidence, and species accounts
RO de Sá, T Grant, A Camargo, WR Heyer, ML Ponssa, E Stanley
South American Journal of Herpetology 9 (s1), 2014
Megbízások: Government of Argentina
Mid-Cretaceous amber fossils illuminate the past diversity of tropical lizards
JD Daza, EL Stanley, P Wagner, AM Bauer, DA Grimaldi
Science Advances 2 (3), e1501080, 2016
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation
Genetics, Morphology, Advertisement Calls, and Historical Records Distinguish Six New Polyploid Species of African Clawed Frog (Xenopus, Pipidae) from West …
BJ Evans, TF Carter, E Greenbaum, V Gvoždík, DB Kelley, PJ McLaughlin, ...
PloS one 10 (12), e0142823, 2015
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Evolution of hyperossification expands skull diversity in frogs
DJ Paluh, EL Stanley, DC Blackburn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (15), 8554-8562, 2020
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation
Metamorphosis shapes cranial diversity and rate of evolution in salamanders
AC Fabre, C Bardua, M Bon, J Clavel, RN Felice, JW Streicher, J Bonnel, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (8), 1129-1140, 2020
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, European Commission
Size, microhabitat, and loss of larval feeding drive cranial diversification in frogs
C Bardua, AC Fabre, J Clavel, M Bon, K Das, EL Stanley, DC Blackburn, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2503, 2021
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, European Commission
A review of Cordylus machadoi (Squamata: Cordylidae) in southwestern Angola, with the description of a new species from the Pro-Namib desert
EL Stanley, LMP Ceriaco, S Bandeira, H Valerio, MF Bates, WR Branch
Zootaxa 4061 (3), 201–226-201–226, 2016
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, National Research Foundation, South Africa
Evolutionary integration of the frog cranium
C Bardua, AC Fabre, M Bon, K Das, EL Stanley, DC Blackburn, ...
Evolution 74 (6), 1200-1215, 2020
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, European Commission
The earliest direct evidence of frogs in wet tropical forests from Cretaceous Burmese amber
L Xing, EL Stanley, M Bai, DC Blackburn
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 8770, 2018
Megbízások: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
A new earless species of Poyntonophrynus (Anura, Bufonidae) from the Serra da Neve inselberg, Namibe province, Angola
LMP Ceríaco, MP Marques, S Bandeira, I Agarwal, EL Stanley, AM Bauer, ...
ZooKeys, 109, 2018
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Ambrosia beetle Premnobius cavipennis (Scolytinae: Ipini) carries highly divergent ascomycotan ambrosia fungus, Afroraffaelea ambrosiae gen. nov. et sp. nov.(Ophiostomatales)
C Bateman, YT Huang, DR Simmons, MT Kasson, EL Stanley, J Hulcr
Fungal Ecology 25, 41-49, 2017
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Plasticity of mycangia in Xylosandrus ambrosia beetles
Y Li, YY Ruan, EL Stanley, J Skelton, J Hulcr
Insect science 26 (4), 732-742, 2019
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
A new species of girdled lizard (Squamata: Cordylidae) from the Serra da Neve Inselberg, Namibe Province, southwestern Angola
MP Marques, LMP Ceriaco, EL Stanley, S Bandeira, I Agarwal, AM Bauer
Zootaxa 4668 (4), 503-524, 2019
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Evolutionary history of burrowing asps (Lamprophiidae: Atractaspidinae) with emphasis on fang evolution and prey selection
F Portillo, EL Stanley, WR Branch, W Conradie, MO Rödel, J Penner, ...
PLoS One 14 (4), e0214889, 2019
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Enigmatic amphibians in mid-Cretaceous amber were chameleon-like ballistic feeders
JD Daza, EL Stanley, A Bolet, AM Bauer, JS Arias, A Čerňanský, JJ Bevitt, ...
Science 370 (6517), 687-691, 2020
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Government of Spain, Royal Society UK
Increasing the impact of vertebrate scientific collections through 3D imaging: The openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network
DC Blackburn, DM Boyer, JA Gray, J Winchester, JM Bates, SL Baumgart, ...
BioScience 74 (3), 169-186, 2024
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Embryonic development of a parthenogenetic vertebrate, the mourning gecko (Lepidodactylus lugubris)
AH Griffing, TJ Sanger, JD Daza, SV Nielsen, BJ Pinto, EL Stanley, ...
Developmental Dynamics 248 (11), 1070-1090, 2019
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation
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