Jason M. Stephens
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Educating citizens: Preparing America's undergraduates for lives of moral and civic responsibility
A Colby, T Ehrlich, E Beaumont, J Stephens
John Wiley & Sons, 2003
Academic motivation and self-regulation: A comparative analysis of undergraduate and graduate students learning online
AR Artino Jr, JM Stephens
The Internet and Higher Education 12 (3-4), 146-151, 2009
Does moral judgment go offline when students are online? A comparative analysis of undergraduates' beliefs and behaviors related to conventional and digital cheating
JM Stephens, MF Young, T Calabrese
Ethics & Behavior 17 (3), 233-254, 2007
Beyond grades in online learning: Adaptive profiles of academic self-regulation among naval academy undergraduates
AR Artino, JM Stephens
Journal of Advanced Academics 20 (4), 568-601, 2009
Higher education and the development of civic responsibility
A Colby, T Ehrlich, E Beaumont, J Rosner, J Stephens
Civic responsibility and higher education, 21-43, 2000
Learning online: Motivated to self-regulate
AR Artino, JM Stephens
Academic Exchange Quarterly 10 (4), 176-182, 2006
Is cheating wrong? Students' reasoning about academic dishonesty
TB Murdock, JM Stephens
Psychology of academic cheating, 229-251, 2007
School as a context of student motivation and achievement
RW Roeser, TC Urdan, JM Stephens
Handbook of motivation at school, 395-424, 2009
Culture, context and stereotype threat: A comparative analysis of young Ugandan women in coed and single-sex schools
K Picho, JM Stephens
The Journal of Educational Research 105 (1), 52-63, 2012
Educating undergraduates for responsible citizenship
A Colby, T Ehrlich, E Beaumont, J Stephens
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 35 (6), 40-48, 2003
Cases of incongruity: exploring the divide between adolescents’ beliefs and behavior related to academic dishonesty
JM Stephens, H Nicholson
Educational Studies 34 (4), 361-376, 2008
Creating cultures of integrity: a multi-level intervention model for promoting academic honesty
JM Stephens
Handbook of academic integrity, 996-1003, 2016
How to cheat and not feel guilty: Cognitive dissonance and its amelioration in the domain of academic dishonesty
JM Stephens
Theory Into Practice 56 (2), 111-120, 2017
Under pressure and underengaged: Motivational profiles and academic cheating in high school
JM Stephens, H Gehlbach
Psychology of academic cheating, 107-134, 2007
Bridging the divide: The role of motivation and self-regulation in explaining the judgment-action gap related to academic dishonesty
JM Stephens
Frontiers in psychology 9, 246, 2018
Academic motivation and misconduct in two cultures: A comparative analysis of US and Ukrainian undergraduates
JM Stephens, V Romakin, M Yukhymenko
International Journal for Educational Integrity 6 (1), 2010
Can online academic integrity instruction affect university students’ perceptions of and engagement in academic dishonesty? Results from a natural experiment in New Zealand
JM Stephens, PWSJ Watson, M Alansari, G Lee, SM Turnbull
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 569133, 2021
The achieving with integrity seminar: an integrative approach to promoting moral development in secondary school classrooms
JM Stephens, DB Wangaard
International Journal for Educational Integrity 12, 1-16, 2016
Do preservice teacher education candidates’ implicit biases of ethnic differences and mindset toward academic ability change over time?
JM Stephens, C Rubie-Davies, ER Peterson
Learning and instruction 78, 101480, 2022
Student dishonesty in the face of assessment: Who, why, and what we can do about it
TB Murdock, JM Stephens, MM Grotewiel
Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment, 186-203, 2016
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