Economía PA Samuelson, WD Nordhaus AMGH Editora, 2012 | 21236* | 2012 |
The political business cycle WD Nordhaus The review of economic studies 42 (2), 169-190, 1975 | 7197 | 1975 |
What is the value of scientific knowledge? An application to global warming using the PRICE model WD Nordhaus, D Popp The Energy Journal 18 (1), 1-45, 1997 | 3325 | 1997 |
The impact of global warming on agriculture: a Ricardian analysis R Mendelsohn, WD Nordhaus, D Shaw The American economic review, 753-771, 1994 | 3076 | 1994 |
Managing the global commons: the economics of climate change WD Nordhaus Environmental Values 6 (1), 1997 | 3001 | 1997 |
A question of balance: Weighing the options on global warming policies W Nordhaus Yale University Press, 2008 | 2980 | 2008 |
A Review of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change WD Nordhaus Journal of economic literature 45 (3), 686-702, 2007 | 2766 | 2007 |
Warming the world: economic models of global warming WD Nordhaus, J Boyer MIT press, 2003 | 2442 | 2003 |
To slow or not to slow: the economics of the greenhouse effect WD Nordhaus The economic journal 101 (407), 920-937, 1991 | 2344 | 1991 |
Abrupt climate change RB Alley, J Marotzke, WD Nordhaus, JT Overpeck, DM Peteet, ... science 299 (5615), 2005-2010, 2003 | 1739 | 2003 |
Climate clubs: Overcoming free-riding in international climate policy W Nordhaus American Economic Review 105 (4), 1339-1370, 2015 | 1611 | 2015 |
Revisiting the social cost of carbon WD Nordhaus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (7), 1518-1523, 2017 | 1591 | 2017 |
A regional dynamic general-equilibrium model of alternative climate-change strategies WD Nordhaus, Z Yang The American Economic Review, 741-765, 1996 | 1542 | 1996 |
Using luminosity data as a proxy for economic statistics X Chen, WD Nordhaus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (21), 8589-8594, 2011 | 1459 | 2011 |
An optimal transition path for controlling greenhouse gases WD Nordhaus Science 258 (5086), 1315-1319, 1992 | 1250 | 1992 |
The climate casino: Risk, uncertainty, and economics for a warming world W Nordhaus Yale University Press, 2013 | 1228 | 2013 |
Invention growth, and welfare: a theoretical treatment of technological change WD Nordhaus (No Title), 1969 | 1173 | 1969 |
Ilmu makroekonomi PA Samuelson, WD Nordhaus, M Sumaryati Media Global Edukasi, 2004 | 1161 | 2004 |
The medium run OJ Blanchard, WD Nordhaus, ES Phelps Brookings papers on economic activity 1997 (2), 89-158, 1997 | 1118 | 1997 |
Geography and macroeconomics: New data and new findings WD Nordhaus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (10), 3510-3517, 2006 | 1096 | 2006 |