Antigoni Parmaxi
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Virtual reality in language learning: A systematic review and implications for research and practice
A Parmaxi
Interactive learning environments 31 (1), 172-184, 2023
Augmented reality in language learning: A state‐of‐the‐art review of 2014–2019
A Parmaxi, AA Demetriou
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 36 (6), 861-875, 2020
Web 2.0 in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: a research synthesis and implications for instructional design and educational practice
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
Interactive Learning Environments 25 (6), 704-716, 2017
Enacting artifact-based activities for social technologies in language learning using a design-based research approach
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris, A Ioannou
Computers in Human Behavior 63, 556-567, 2016
The evolvement of constructionism: An overview of the literature
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing and Developing Novel …, 2014
Mapping the landscape of computer-assisted language learning: an inventory of research
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris, S Papadima-Sophocleous, A Ioannou
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 10 (4), 252-269, 2013
Culture effects in online social support for older people: perceptions and experience
E Michailidou, A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
Universal Access in the Information Society 14, 281-293, 2015
Computer-mediated communication in computer-assisted language learning: implications for culture-centered design
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
Universal Access in the Information Society 15, 169-177, 2016
Lessons learned from a design-based research implementation: a researcher’s methodological account
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
International Journal of Research & Method in Education 43 (3), 257-270, 2020
Mapping research directions on makerspaces in education
D Konstantinou, A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
Educational Media International 58 (3), 223-247, 2021
Developing a framework for social technologies in learning via design-based research
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
Educational Media International 52 (1), 33-46, 2015
Introducing new perspectives in the use of social technologies in learning: Social constructionism
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris, E Michailidou, S Papadima-Sophocleous, ...
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2013
Leveraging virtual trips in Google expeditions to elevate students’ social exploration
A Parmaxi, K Stylianou, P Zaphiris
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2017
Affordances of social technologies as social microworlds
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
CHI'14 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems, 2113-2118, 2014
Language Education in a Multilingual City: The Case of Limassol.
A Nicolaou, A Parmaxi, S Papadima-Sophocleous, D Boglou
London Review of Education 14 (2), 174-185, 2016
Gender Equality in Academia, Business, Technology and Health Care: A WomEnPower view in Cyprus
C Kouta, A Parmaxi, I Smoleski
International Journal of Caring Sciences 10 (3), 1224, 2017
Interdisciplinary doctoral training in technology-enhanced learning in Europe
V Pammer-Schindler, F Wild, M Fominykh, T Ley, M Perifanou, MV Soule, ...
Frontiers in Education 5, 150, 2020
Specifying the dynamics of social technologies as social microworlds
A Parmaxi, P Zaphiris
Behaviour & Information Technology 34 (4), 413-424, 2015
Gender-sensitive tools and materials for women empowerment in STEM: a systematic review with industrial and instructional recommendations and implications
E Christou, A Parmaxi
Universal Access in the Information Society 22 (3), 699-714, 2023
A Social Constructionist Approach to Teaching and Learning Vocabulary for Italian for Academic Purposes.
E Xerou, S Papadima-Sophocleous, A Parmaxi
Research-publishing. net, 2016
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