Dr Muzammil Tahira
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The publication success of 102 nations in Scopus and the performance of their Scopus-indexed journals
M Erfanmanesh, M Tahira, A Abrizah
Publishing Research Quarterly 33 (4), 421-432, 2017
Development level of electronic government services: An empirical study of e-government websites in Pakistan
N Butt, NF Warraich, M Tahira
Global knowledge, memory and communication, 2019
Information needs and seeking behavior of science & technology teachers of the university of the Punjab, Lahore
M Tahira, K Ameen
Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries 10 (1), 2009
Factors influencing scholarly publication productivity: a systematic review
N Wahid, NF Warraich, M Tahira
Information Discovery and Delivery 50 (1), 22-33, 2022
HEC national digital library: challenges and opportunities for LIS professionals in Pakistan
NF Warraich, M Tahira
Library Philosophy and Practice 2009, 1-10, 2009
Scientometric assessment of engineering in Malaysians universities
M Tahira, RA Alias, A Bakri
Scientometrics 96, 865-879, 2013
Modelling web-based library service quality and user loyalty in the context of a developing country
B Haruna, K Kiran, M Tahira
The Electronic Library 35 (3), 507-519, 2017
Publication Productivity Pattern of Malaysian Researchers in Scopus from 1995 to 2015.
A Bakri, NMAM Nadzar, R Ibrahim, M Tahira
J. Sci. Res. 6 (2), 86-101, 2017
Mapping the cataloguing practices in information environment: a review of linked data challenges
N Wahid, NF Warraich, M Tahira
Information and Learning Science 119 (9/10), 586-596, 2018
Seeking online information sources among science faculties of developing countries
M Tahira, R Alinda Alias, K Ameen
Information needs and seeking behaviour of S&T teachers of the University of the Punjab
M Tahira
Unpublished MPhil’s thesis, University of Punjab, Lahore, 2008
Usability study of a federated search product at Punjab University
N Fatima Warraich, K Ameen, M Tahira
Library Hi Tech News 26 (9), 14-15, 2009
Acceptance of Koha Open Source System among Librarians in the Malaysian Academic Libraries: An Exploratory Qualitative Study
ZA Mohideen, A Sheikh, K Kaur, M Tahira
Serials Review 45 (4), 201-210, 2019
An assessment of quality, trustworthiness and usability of Indonesian agricultural science journals: stated preference versus revealed preference study
B Winarko, A Abrizah, M Tahira
Scientometrics 108, 289-304, 2016
Evaluation of h and h-type Indices for Research Performance at Researcher's Level
M Tahira, A Abdullah, RA Alias, A Bakri
Information Development 34 (1), 64-76, 2018
h-index, h-type Indices, and the role of Corrected Quality Ratio
M Tahira, A Bakri, RA Alia, A Shabri
Journal of information science theory and practice 2 (4), 20-30, 2014
Information Quality of E-Government Websites as perceived by University Students in Pakistan
T Rasool, NF Warraich, A Rorissa, M Tahira
Journal of Political Studies 25 (2), 191-205, 2018
Application of h and h-type indices at meso level: A case of Malaysian engineering research
T Muzammil, RA Alias, A Bakri, M Tahira
Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 20 (3), 2015
Group level scientometric analysis of Pakistani authors
N Wahid, NF Warraich, M Tahira
COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 15 (2), 287-304, 2021
Meso-level institutional and journal related indices for Malaysian engineering research
M Tahira, RA Alias, A Bakri, A Abrizah
Scientometrics 107, 521-535, 2016
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