Izradite svoj profil
Sve | Od 2019. | |
Citati | 1143 | 381 |
H-indeks | 9 | 9 |
i10-indeks | 9 | 8 |
- Michael LadischPurdue UniversityPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na purdue.edu
- Charles WymanUniversity of California RiversidePotvrđena adresa e-pošte na engr.ucr.edu
- Bruce E. DaleUniversity Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Michigan StatePotvrđena adresa e-pošte na egr.msu.edu
- Venkatesh BalanAssociate Professor of Engineering TechnologyPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na uh.edu
- Nathan S. MosierPurdue UniversityPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na purdue.edu
- Mark HoltzappleTexas A&M UniversityPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na tamu.edu
- Jian ShiAssociate Professor, University of KentuckyPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na uky.edu
- Bin YangProfessor of Washington State UniversityPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na wsu.edu
- Rocío Sierra-RamírezAssociate Professor, Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, Universidad de los AndesPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na uniandes.edu.co
- Youngmi KimUniversity of Wisconsin-River FallsPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na uwrf.edu
- Bryon S. DonohoeNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na nrel.gov
- Ling TaoNational Renewable Energy LaboratoryPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na nrel.gov
- Li KangHenkel Corporation, Auburn UniversityPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na tigermail.auburn.edu
- Suan Shi(史苏安)Associate Professor, College of Engineering, China Agricultural UniversityPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na cau.edu.cn
- Jing LiPostdoc fellow, Auburn UniversityPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na auburn.edu
- Tapas AcharjeeAuburn UniversityPotvrđena adresa e-pošte na auburn.edu
Venkata Ramesh Pallapolu
Intel Corporation, Auburn University, UDCT
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