Ben Groom
Ben Groom
Dragon Capital Chair of Biodiversity Economics
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Discounting disentangled
MA Drupp, MC Freeman, B Groom, F Nesje
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10 (4), 109-134, 2018
Determining benefits and costs for future generations
K Arrow, M Cropper, C Gollier, B Groom, G Heal, R Newell, W Nordhaus, ...
Science 341 (6144), 349-350, 2013
Should governments use a declining discount rate in project analysis?
KJ Arrow, ML Cropper, C Gollier, B Groom, GM Heal, RG Newell, ...
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2014
Valuing the future
D Pearce, B Groom, C Hepburn, P Koundouri
World economics 4 (2), 121-141, 2003
Climate economics support for the UN climate targets
MC Hänsel, MA Drupp, DJA Johansson, F Nesje, C Azar, MC Freeman, ...
Nature Climate Change 10 (8), 781-789, 2020
Declining discount rates: the long and the short of it
B Groom, C Hepburn, P Koundouri, D Pearce
Environmental and resource economics 32, 445-493, 2005
How should benefits and costs be discounted in an intergenerational context? The views of an expert panel
KJ Arrow, M Cropper, C Gollier, B Groom, GM Heal, RG Newell, ...
The views of an expert panel (December 19, 2013). Resources for the future …, 2013
Crop productivity and adaptation to climate change in Pakistan
A Gorst, A Dehlavi, B Groom
Environment and development economics 23 (6), 679-701, 2018
Declining discount rates
ML Cropper, MC Freeman, B Groom, WA Pizer
American Economic Review 104 (5), 538-543, 2014
The story of the moment: risk averse cypriot farmers respond to drought management
B Groom, P Koundouri, C Nauges, A Thomas
Applied Economics 40 (3), 315-326, 2008
Discounting the distant future: How much does model selection affect the certainty equivalent rate?
B Groom, P Koundouri, E Panopoulou, T Pantelidis
Journal of Applied Econometrics 22 (3), 641-656, 2007
REDD+ and rural livelihoods
B Groom, C Palmer
Biological conservation 154, 42-52, 2012
Relaxing rural constraints: a ‘win-win’policy for poverty and environment in China?
B Groom, P Grosjean, A Kontoleon, T Swanson, S Zhang
Oxford Economic Papers 62 (1), 132-156, 2010
New estimates of the elasticity of marginal utility for the UK
B Groom, D Maddison Pr
Environmental and Resource Economics 72 (4), 1155-1182, 2019
Eight priorities for calculating the social cost of carbon
G Wagner, D Anthoff, M Cropper, S Dietz, KT Gillingham, B Groom, ...
Nature 590 (7847), 548-550, 2021
Biodiversity valuation and the discount rate problem
MC Freeman, B Groom
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 26 (5), 715-745, 2013
Declining discount rates and the Fisher Effect: Inflated past, discounted future?
MC Freeman, B Groom, E Panopoulou, T Pantelidis
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 73, 32-49, 2015
Positively gamma discounting: combining the preferences of experts on the social discount rate
MC Freeman, B Groom
The Economic Journal 125, 1015-1024, 2015
The future, now: a review of social discounting
B Groom, MA Drupp, MC Freeman, F Nesje
Annual Review of Resource Economics 14 (1), 467-491, 2022
Environmental valuation and benefit-cost analysis in UK policy
G Atkinson, B Groom, N Hanley, S Mourato
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 9 (1), 97-119, 2018
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