Raphaela Kotsch
Raphaela Kotsch
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
The carbon market challenge: preventing abuse through effective governance
R Betz, A Michaelowa, P Castro, R Kotsch, M Mehling, K Michaelowa, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Quantifying the distributional impact of energy efficiency measures
D McCoy, RA Kotsch
The Energy Journal 42 (6), 2021
Volumes and types of unused Certified Emission Reductions (CERs): Lessons learned from CDM transactions under the Kyoto Protocol, transparency gaps and implications for post …
A Michaelowa, P Censkowsky, A Espelage, A Singh, R Betz, R Kotsch, ...
perspectives Climate Group, 2021
The readiness of industry for a transformative recovery from COVID 19
S Fankhauser, R Kotsch, S Srivastav
Global Sustainability 3, e37, 2020
Why the energy efficiency gap is smaller than we think: quantifying heterogeneity and persistence in the returns to energy efficiency measures
D McCoy, R Kotsch
Grantham Res. Inst. Clim. Chang. Environ. Work. Pap. No. 306, 2018
The prospects for low-carbon growth in emerging markets
S Fankhauser, R Kotsch, S Srivastav
Latecomer development in a’greening’world. World Development Special, 2019
Growth opportunities in the low-carbon economy
S Fankhauser, R Kotsch, R De Haas, A Dechezleprêtre, M Günther, ...
Grantham Institute [online]. Available from: https://www. ebrd. com …, 2018
Volumes and Types of Unused Certified Emission Reductions (CERs)
A Michaelowa, P Censkowsky, A Espelage, A Singh, R Betz, R Kotsch, ...
Freiburg et al.: Perspectives and Zurich University of Applied Sciences …, 2021
The end of the Kyoto Protocol era: What can we learn from the global trade of Emissions Reduction Units applying network analysis
R Kotsch, R Betz, J Abrell, P Schwendner
26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and …, 2021
From Kyoto to Glasgow: volumes and types of unused certified emission reductions (cers)
R Kotsch, R Betz
The Future of Global Energy Systems, 17th IAEE European Conference …, 2022
Transfers of Kyoto units in the Swiss Emissions Trading Registry: a network analysis from 2007-2014
R Betz, P Schwendner, R Kotsch
4th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Industry …, 2019
Risks in carbon markets: lessons-learned from the flexibility mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol
P Schwendner, R Kotsch, R Betz
UN Climate Change Conference (COP25), Side Events, Madrid (Spain), December 2019, 2019
D3. 2| Report on the drivers of household adoption of energy-saving technologies using the English Housing Survey
R Kotsch
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