Članci s nalozima za javni pristup - Sarah BurchSaznajte više
Nije dostupno nigdje: 4
Exploring the potential of SMEs to build individual, organizational, and community resilience through sustainability‐oriented business practices
J DiBella, N Forrest, S Burch, J Rao‐Williams, SM Ninomiya, ...
Business Strategy and the Environment 32 (1), 721-735, 2023
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Navigating between adaptation and transformation: How intermediaries support businesses in sustainability transitions
A Kundurpi, L Westman, C Luederitz, S Burch, A Mercado
Journal of Cleaner Production 283, 125366, 2021
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Bridging the governance divide: The role of SMEs in urban sustainability interventions
L Westman, E Moores, SL Burch
Cities 108, 102944, 2021
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Transition experiments: Opening up low-carbon transition pathways for Canada through innovation and learning
D Rosenbloom, J Meadowcroft, S Sheppard, S Burch, S Williams
Canadian Public Policy 44 (4), 368-383, 2018
Nalozi: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences …
Dostupno negdje: 16
Learning through evaluation–A tentative evaluative scheme for sustainability transition experiments
C Luederitz, N Schäpke, A Wiek, DJ Lang, M Bergmann, JJ Bos, S Burch, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 169, 61-76, 2017
Nalozi: US National Science Foundation
Making local futures tangible—synthesizing, downscaling, and visualizing climate change scenarios for participatory capacity building
A Shaw, S Sheppard, S Burch, D Flanders, A Wiek, J Carmichael, ...
Global Environmental Change 19 (4), 447-463, 2009
Nalozi: Swiss National Science Foundation
Political feasibility of 1.5 C societal transformations: the role of social justice
JJ Patterson, T Thaler, M Hoffmann, S Hughes, A Oels, E Chu, A Mert, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 31, 1-9, 2018
Nalozi: European Commission
Meeting the climate change challenge: local government climate action in British Columbia, Canada
A Dale, J Robinson, L King, S Burch, R Newell, A Shaw, F Jost
Climate Policy 20 (7), 866-880, 2020
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Conceptualizing businesses as social actors: A framework for understanding sustainability actions in small‐and medium‐sized enterprises
L Westman, C Luederitz, A Kundurpi, AJ Mercado, O Weber, SL Burch
Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (2), 388-402, 2019
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Governing and accelerating transformative entrepreneurship: exploring the potential for small business innovation on urban sustainability transitions
S Burch, M Andrachuk, D Carey, N Frantzeskaki, H Schroeder, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 22, 26-32, 2016
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Understanding climate change and resilience: assessing strengths and opportunities for adaptation in the Global South
M Berbés-Blázquez, CL Mitchell, SL Burch, J Wandel
Climatic change 141 (2), 227-241, 2017
Nalozi: Centre de recherches pour le développement international, Canada
Market transformations as collaborative change: Institutional co‐evolution through small business entrepreneurship
L Westman, C Luederitz, A Kundurpi, AJ Mercado, SL Burch
Business Strategy and the Environment 32 (2), 936-957, 2023
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Political participation of businesses: A framework to understand contributions of SMEs to urban sustainability politics
L Westman, J McKenzie, SL Burch
Earth System Governance 3, 100044, 2020
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Business models for the Anthropocene: accelerating sustainability transformations in the private sector
S Burch, J Di Bella
Sustainability Science 16 (6), 1963-1976, 2021
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
The Earth System Governance Project as a network organization: a critical assessment after ten years
F Biermann, MM Betsill, S Burch, J Dryzek, C Gordon, A Gupta, J Gupta, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 39, 17-23, 2019
Nalozi: US National Science Foundation
(Mis) communicating climate change? Why online adaptation databases may fail to catalyze adaptation action
CL Mitchell, SL Burch, PA Driscoll
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 7 (4), 600-613, 2016
Nalozi: Centre de recherches pour le développement international, Canada
A framework to centre justice in energy transition innovations
P Romero-Lankao, N Rosner, C Brandtner, C Rea, A Mejia-Montero, ...
Nature Energy 8 (11), 1192-1198, 2023
Nalozi: US Department of Energy
Building urban resilience through sustainability-oriented small-and medium-sized enterprises
S Burch, J DiBella, A Wiek, S Schaltegger, W Stubbs, M Farrelly, B Ness, ...
Urban Transformations 4 (1), 12, 2022
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Stimulating a Canadian narrative for climate
C Potvin, D Sharma, I Creed, S Aitken, F Anctil, E Bennett, F Berkes, ...
Facets 2 (1), 131-149, 2017
Nalozi: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Conceptualizing the potential of entrepreneurship to shape urban sustainability transformations
C Luederitz, L Westman, A Mercado, A Kundurpi, SL Burch
Urban Transformations 5 (1), 3, 2023
Nalozi: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
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