Pierre de Villemereuil
Pierre de Villemereuil
Lecturer; École Pratique des Hautes Études; Institute for Systematics, Evolution, Biodiversity
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Common garden experiments in the genomic era: new perspectives and opportunities
P de Villemereuil, OE Gaggiotti, M Mouterde, I Till-Bottraud
Heredity 116 (3), 249-254, 2016
Genome scan methods against more complex models: when and how much should we trust them?
P de Villemereuil, É Frichot, É Bazin, O François, OE Gaggiotti
Molecular Ecology 23 (8), 2006-2019, 2014
Convergent genomic signatures of domestication in sheep and goats
FJ Alberto, F Boyer, P Orozco-terWengel, I Streeter, B Servin, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 813, 2018
A new FST‐based method to uncover local adaptation using environmental variables
P De Villemereuil, OE Gaggiotti
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (11), 1248-1258, 2015
General Methods for Evolutionary Quantitative Genetic Inference from Generalized Mixed Models
P de Villemereuil, H Schielzeth, S Nakagawa, M Morrissey
Genetics 204 (3), 1281-1294, 2016
Comparing parent–offspring regression with frequentist and Bayesian animal models to estimate heritability in wild populations: a simulation study for Gaussian and binary traits
P de Villemereuil, O Gimenez, B Doligez
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (3), 260-275, 2013
General quantitative genetic methods for comparative biology
P de Villemereuil, S Nakagawa
Modern phylogenetic comparative methods and their application in …, 2014
Genetic variance in fitness indicates rapid contemporary adaptive evolution in wild animals
T Bonnet, MB Morrissey, P de Villemereuil, SC Alberts, P Arcese, ...
Science 376 (6596), 1012-1016, 2022
Bayesian models for comparative analysis integrating phylogenetic uncertainty
P de Villemereuil, JA Wells, RD Edwards, SP Blomberg
BMC evolutionary biology 12 (1), 102, 2012
Fluctuating optimum and temporally variable selection on breeding date in birds and mammals
P de Villemereuil, A Charmantier, D Arlt, P Bize, P Brekke, L Brouwer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (50), 31969-31978, 2020
Fixed-effect variance and the estimation of repeatabilities and heritabilities: issues and solutions.
P de Villemereuil, MB Morrissey, S Nakagawa, H Schielzeth
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31 (4), 621-632, 2018
Patterns of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation in the wide elevation range of the alpine plant Arabis alpina
P De Villemereuil, M Mouterde, OE Gaggiotti, I Till‐Bottraud
Journal of Ecology 106 (5), 1952-1971, 2018
Detecting adaptive evolution based on association with ecological gradients: orientation matters!
E Frichot, SD Schoville, P de Villemereuil, OE Gaggiotti, O François
Heredity 115 (1), 22-28, 2015
Quantitative genetic methods depending on the nature of the phenotypic trait
P de Villemereuil
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1422 (1), 29-47, 2018
Tutorial Estimation of a biological trait heritability using the animal model How to use the MCMCglmm R package
P De Villemereuil
Little Adaptive Potential in a Threatened Passerine Bird
P de Villemereuil, A Rutschmann, KD Lee, JG Ewen, P Brekke, ...
Current Biology 29 (5), 889-894. e3, 2019
Consumer functional responses under intra-and inter-specific interference competition
PB de Villemereuil, A López-Sepulcre
Ecological modelling 222 (3), 419-426, 2011
A general method for simultaneously accounting for phylogenetic and species sampling uncertainty via Rubin’s rules in comparative analysis
S Nakagawa, P de Villemereuil
Systematic biology, 2019
Bayesian approaches to the quantitative genetic analysis of natural populations
MB Morrissey, P de Villemereuil, B Doligez, O Gimenez
Quantitative genetics in the wild, 228-253, 2014
Lizards from warm and declining populations are born with extremely short telomeres
A Dupoué, P Blaimont, F Angelier, C Ribout, D Rozen-Rechels, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (33), e2201371119, 2022
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