LGME lab, National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS)
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On the durability of FRP composites for aircraft structures in hygrothermal conditioning
N Guermazi, AB Tarjem, I Ksouri, HF Ayedi
Composites Part B: Engineering 85, 294-304, 2016
Study of UV-aging of thermoplastic polyurethane material
A Boubakri, N Guermazi, K Elleuch, HF Ayedi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (7-8), 1649-1654, 2010
Investigations on hygrothermal aging of thermoplastic polyurethane material
A Boubakri, K Elleuch, N Guermazi, HF Ayedi
Materials & Design 30 (10), 3958-3965, 2009
Cladding of low-carbon steel to austenitic stainless steel by hot-roll bonding: microstructure and mechanical properties before and after welding
Z Dhib, N Guermazi, M Gaspérini, N Haddar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 656, 130-141, 2016
Mechanical bonding properties and interfacial morphologies of austenitic stainless steel clad plates
Z Dhib, N Guermazi, A Ktari, M Gasperini, N Haddar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 696, 374-386, 2017
Investigations on the fabrication and the characterization of glass/epoxy, carbon/epoxy and hybrid composites used in the reinforcement and the repair of aeronautic structures
N Guermazi, N Haddar, K Elleuch, HF Ayedi
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 56, 714-724, 2014
The effect of time and aging temperature on structural and mechanical properties of pipeline coating
N Guermazi, K Elleuch, HF Ayedi
Materials & Design 30 (6), 2006-2010, 2009
Aging effect on thermal, mechanical and tribological behaviour of polymeric coatings used for pipeline application
N Guermazi, K Elleuch, HF Ayedi, P Kapsa
journal of materials processing technology 203 (1-3), 404-410, 2008
Effect of hygrothermal aging on the mechanical properties and ductile fracture of polyamide 6: Experimental and numerical approaches
R Taktak, N Guermazi, J Derbeli, N Haddar
Engineering fracture mechanics 148, 122-133, 2015
Mechanical and structural properties of glass fiber‐reinforced polypropylene (PPGF) composites
T Kossentini Kallel, R Taktak, N Guermazi, N Mnif
Polymer Composites 39 (10), 3497-3508, 2018
Tribological performance of TiN coatings deposited on 304 L stainless steel used for olive-oil extraction
A Bahri, N Guermazi, K Elleuch, M Ürgen
Wear 342, 77-84, 2015
Effect of filler addition and weathering conditions on the performance of PVC/CaCO3 composites
N Guermazi, N Haddar, K Elleuch, HF Ayedi
Polymer Composites 37 (7), 2171-2183, 2016
On the erosive wear of 304 L stainless steel caused by olive seed particles impact: Modeling and experiments
A Bahri, N Guermazi, K Elleuch, M Ürgen
Tribology International 102, 608-619, 2016
Characterization of polylactic acid green composites and its biodegradation in a bacterial environment
D Hammiche, A Boukerrou, B Azzeddine, N Guermazi, T Budtova
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization 24 (3), 236-244, 2019
Tribological behaviour of pipe coating in dry sliding contact with steel
N Guermazi, K Elleuch, HF Ayedi, V Fridrici, P Kapsa
Materials & Design 30 (8), 3094-3104, 2009
Effect of the lubrication between the tube and the die on the corner filling when hydroforming of different cross-sectional shapes
A Abdelkefi, N Guermazi, N Boudeau, P Malécot, N Haddar
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 87, 1169-1181, 2016
Abrasive wear of aluminium alloys rubbed against sand
K Elleuch, S Mezlini, N Guermazi, P Kapsa
Wear 261 (11-12), 1316-1321, 2006
Mechanical properties and wear behaviour of alumina/tricalcium phosphate/titania ceramics as coating for orthopedic implant
R Barkallah, R Taktak, N Guermazi, K Elleuch
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 241, 107399, 2021
On the mechanical behaviour of industrial PVC pipes under pressure loading: experimental and numerical studies
H Jemii, A Bahri, A Boubakri, D Hammiche, K Elleuch, N Guermazi
Journal of Polymer Research 27, 1-13, 2020
Mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical behavior of virgin and hydrothermally aged polymeric pipes
H Jemii, D Hammiche, A Boubakri, N Haddar, N Guermazi
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 35 (12), 2310-2330, 2022
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Articles 1–20