Enric Aparicio
Enric Aparicio
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Decline of native freshwater fishes in a Mediterranean watershed on the Iberian Peninsula: a quantitative assessment
E Aparicio, MJ Vargas, JM Olmo, A de Sostoa
Environm. Biology of Fishes 59, 11-19, 2000
Development and evaluation of a fish‐based index to assess biological integrity of Mediterranean streams
E Aparicio, G Carmona‐Catot, PB Moyle, E García‐Berthou
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21 (4), 324-337, 2011
Pattern of movements of adult Barbus haasi in a small Mediterranean stream
E Aparicio, A De Sostoa
Journal of Fish Biology 55 (5), 1086-1095, 1999
Biodiversity in heavily modified waterbodies: native and introduced fish in Iberian reservoirs
M Clavero, V Hermoso, E Aparicio, FN Godinho
Freshwater Biology 58 (6), 1190-1201, 2013
Assessing fish metrics and biotic indices in a Mediterranean stream: effects of uncertain native status of fish
L Benejam, E Aparicio, MJ Vargas, A Vila-Gispert, E García-Berthou
Hydrobiologia 603, 197-210, 2008
Body pigmentation pattern to assess introgression by hatchery stocks in native Salmo trutta from Mediterranean streams
E Aparicio, E García‐Berthou, RM Araguas, P Martínez, JL García‐Marín
Journal of Fish Biology 67 (4), 931-949, 2005
Phylogeography and species delineation of the genus Phoxinus Rafinesque, 1820 (Actinopterygii: Leuciscidae) in the Iberian Peninsula
A Corral‐Lou, S Perea, E Aparicio, I Doadrio
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 57 (4), 926-941, 2019
Peixos continentals de Catalunya
E Aparicio, C Alcaraz, G Carmona-Catot, E García-Berthou, Q Pou-Rovira, ...
Ecologia, conservació i guia d’identificació. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, 2016
Reproduction and growth of Barbus haasi in a small stream in the NE of the Iberian peninsula
E Aparicio, A de Sostoa
Archiv für Hydrobiologie 142 (1), 95-110, 1998
Brook trout removal as a conservation tool to restore Eagle Lake rainbow trout
G Carmona-Catot, PB Moyle, E Aparicio, PK Crain, LC Thompson, ...
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (5), 1315-1323, 2010
Current status of the brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations within eastern Pyrenees genetic refuges
RM Araguas, M Vera, E Aparicio, N Sanz, R Fernández‐Cebrián, ...
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26 (1), 120-132, 2017
Movements and dispersal of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in Mediterranean streams: influence of habitat and biotic factors
E Aparicio, R Rocaspana, A de Sostoa, A Palau-Ibars, C Alcaraz
PeerJ 6, e5730, 2018
Fish passage assessment at the most downstream barrier of the Ebro River (NE Iberian Peninsula)
E Aparicio, C Pintor, C Durán, G Carmona-Catot
© Limnetica, 2012, vol. 31, núm. 1, p. 37-46, 2012
Hydropeaking effects on movement patterns of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)
R Rocaspana, E Aparicio, A Palau‐Ibars, R Guillem, C Alcaraz
River Research and Applications 35 (6), 646-655, 2019
Effects of pulsed discharges from a hydropower station on summer diel feeding activity and diet of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in an Iberian stream
R Rocaspana, E Aparicio, D Vinyoles, A Palau
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32 (1), 190-197, 2016
Assessing population status of Parachondrostoma arrigonis (Steindachner, 1866), threats and conservation perspectives
C Alcaraz, G Carmona-Catot, P Risueño, S Perea, C Pérez, I Doadrio, ...
Environmental biology of fishes 98, 443-455, 2015
Identification of Gobio populations in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula: first record of the non-native Languedoc gudgeon Gobio occitaniae (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)
E Aparicio, G Carmona-Catot, M Kottelat, S Perea, I Doadrio
BioInvasions Records 2 (2), 163-166, 2013
First record of the asp Leuciscus aspius introduced into the Iberian Peninsula
R Merciai, D Almeida, E Aparicio, E Cruset, MÁ Fuentes, Q Pou i Rovira, ...
© Limnetica, 2018, vol. 37, núm. 2, p. 341-344, 2018
Expansion of the invasive Pseudorasbora parva (Cyprinidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: first record in the Guadiana River basin
E Aparicio, B Peris, L Torrijos, J Prenda, A Nieva, S Perea
Cybium 36 (4), 585-586, 2012
Invaders they are a-changing: A recent, unexpected surge of invasive loaches in Catalonia
M Clavero, J Suh, N Franch, E Aparicio, T Buchaca, J Caner, ...
Freshwater Biology 68 (4), 621-631, 2023
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