Nicholas Constant
Nicholas Constant
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Towards fog-driven IoT eHealth: Promises and challenges of IoT in medicine and healthcare
B Farahani, F Firouzi, V Chang, M Badaroglu, N Constant, K Mankodiya
Future generation computer systems 78, 659-676, 2018
Smart fog: Fog computing framework for unsupervised clustering analytics in wearable internet of things
D Borthakur, H Dubey, N Constant, L Mahler, K Mankodiya
2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP …, 2017
Fog computing in medical internet-of-things: architecture, implementation, and applications
H Dubey, A Monteiro, N Constant, M Abtahi, D Borthakur, L Mahler, Y Sun, ...
Handbook of Large-Scale Distributed Computing in Smart Healthcare, 281-321, 2017
Fog-assisted wiot: A smart fog gateway for end-to-end analytics in wearable internet of things
N Constant, D Borthakur, M Abtahi, H Dubey, K Mankodiya
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.08680, 2017
Pulse-Glasses: An unobtrusive, wearable HR monitor with Internet-of-Things functionality
N Constant, O Douglas-Prawl, S Johnson, K Mankodiya
2015 IEEE 12th international conference on wearable and implantable body …, 2015
Fog assisted cloud computing in era of big data and internet-of-things: systems, architectures, and applications
RK Barik, H Dubey, C Misra, D Borthakur, N Constant, SA Sasane, ...
Cloud computing for optimization: foundations, applications, and challenges …, 2018
Merging fNIRS-EEG brain monitoring and body motion capture to distinguish Parkinsons disease
M Abtahi, SB Borgheai, R Jafari, N Constant, R Diouf, Y Shahriari, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28 (6 …, 2020
Fog2fog: augmenting scalability in fog computing for health GIS systems
R Barik, H Dubey, S Sasane, C Misra, N Constant, K Mankodiya
2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications …, 2017
Respire: A spectral kurtosis-based method to extract respiration rate from wearable ppg signals
H Dubey, N Constant, K Mankodiya
2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications …, 2017
Smart E-textile gloves for quantified measurements in movement disorders
L Plant, B Noriega, A Sonti, N Constant, K Mankodiya
2016 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC), 1-4, 2016
Textile knitted stretch sensors for wearable health monitoring: Design and performance evaluation
MA Rumon, G Cay, V Ravichandran, A Altekreeti, A Gitelson-Kahn, ...
Biosensors 13 (1), 34, 2022
WearUp: Wearable smart textiles for telemedicine intervention of movement disorders
M Abtahi, NP Constant, JV Gyllinsky, B Paesang, SE D’Andrea, U Akbar, ...
Wearable Technology in Medicine and Healthcare, 173-192, 2018
Data analytics for wearable IoT-based telemedicine
N Constant, G Cay, V Ravichandran, R Diouf, U Akbar, K Mankodiya
Wearable sensors, 357-378, 2021
Pulseband: A hands-on tutorial on how to design a smart wristband to monitor heart-rate
N Constant, T Wang, K Mankodiya
2015 IEEE Virtual Conference on Applications of Commercial Sensors (VCACS), 1-3, 2015
Towards a telehealth infrastructure supported by machine learning on edge/fog for Parkinson's movement screening
S Sadhu, D Solanki, N Constant, V Ravichandran, G Cay, MJ Saikia, ...
Smart Health 26, 100351, 2022
An intelligent fog centric network for IoT-driven smart communities
N Constant
University of Rhode Island, 2017
Feasibility of a digital cognitive screening test to detect cognitive impairment
SC Sullivan, K Mankodiya, N Constant, C Denby, BR Ott, LE Korthauer, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 19, e077838, 2023
Exploring the Impact of Parkinson’s Medication Intake on Motor Exams Performed in-home Using Smart Gloves
S Sadhu, V Ravichandran, N Constant, U Akbar, K Mankodiya, D Solanki
2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 1-4, 2023
System for monitoring neurodegenerative disorders through assessments in daily life settings that combine both non-motor and motor factors in its determination of the disease state
N Constant, K Mankodiya
US Patent App. 17/752,309, 2022
PD-Aware: a Contextual mHealth Platform Serving Wearable-Assisted Pros for Parkinson’s Disease
N Constant
University of Rhode Island, 2021
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Articles 1–20