Sumedha Chauhan
Sumedha Chauhan
Professor, O.P. Jindal Global University
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Social entrepreneurship research: A review and future research agenda
P Gupta, S Chauhan, J Paul, MP Jaiswal
Journal of business research 113, 209-229, 2020
A meta-analysis of the impact of technology on learning effectiveness of elementary students
S Chauhan
Computers & Education 105, 14-30, 2017
A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of trust in mobile commerce
S Sarkar, S Chauhan, A Khare
International Journal of Information Management 50, 286-301, 2020
Determinants of acceptance of ERP software training in business schools: Empirical investigation using UTAUT model
S Chauhan, M Jaiswal
The International Journal of Management Education 14 (3), 248-262, 2016
Acceptance of mobile money by poor citizens of India: Integrating trust into the technology acceptance model
S Chauhan
info 17 (3), 58-68, 2015
Circular economy research: A bibliometric analysis (2000–2019) and future research insights
S Goyal, S Chauhan, P Mishra
Journal of cleaner production 287, 125011, 2021
Impact of knowledge management capabilities on knowledge management effectiveness in Indian organizations
SS Bharadwaj, S Chauhan, A Raman
Vikalpa 40 (4), 421-434, 2015
Addressing big data challenges in smart cities: a systematic literature review
S Chauhan, N Agarwal, AK Kar
info 18 (4), 73-90, 2016
Classification of smart city research-a descriptive literature review and future research agenda
P Gupta, S Chauhan, MP Jaiswal
Information Systems Frontiers 21 (3), 661-685, 2019
Firm capabilities and export performance of small firms: A meta-analytical review
P Gupta, S Chauhan
European Management Journal 39 (5), 558-576, 2021
A meta-analysis of e-health applications acceptance: Moderating impact of user types and e-health application types
S Chauhan, M Jaiswal
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 30 (2), 295-319, 2017
Meta-analysis of augmented reality marketing
H Kumar, P Gupta, S Chauhan
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 41 (1), 110-123, 2023
Examining continuance intention in business schools with digital classroom methods during COVID-19: a comparative study of India and Italy
S Chauhan, S Goyal, AK Bhardwaj, BS Sergi
Behaviour & Information Technology 41 (8), 1596-1619, 2022
Role of human behaviour attributes in mobile crowd sensing: a systematic literature review
N Agarwal, S Chauhan, AK Kar, S Goyal
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 19 (2), 168-185, 2017
Users’ response toward online doctor consultation platforms: SOR approach
S Goyal, S Chauhan, P Gupta
Management decision 60 (7), 1990-2018, 2021
The acceptance of electronic voting machines in India: a UTAUT approach
S Chauhan, M Jaiswal, AK Kar
Electronic Government, an International Journal 14 (3), 255-275, 2018
Mapping intellectual structure and sustainability claims of sharing economy research–A literature review
P Gupta, S Chauhan
Sustainable Production and Consumption 25, 347-362, 2021
Acceptance of mobile money by poor citizens of India: Integrating trust into the technology acceptance model. Info, 17 (3), 58–68
S Chauhan
Factors inhibiting the internet adoption by base of the pyramid in India
S Chauhan, P Gupta, M Jaiswal
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 20 (4), 323-336, 2018
Information technology transforming higher education: A meta-analytic review
S Chauhan, P Gupta, S Palvia, M Jaiswal
Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research 23 (1), 3-35, 2021
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