Fundamentals of statistical signal processing: estimation theory SM Kay Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1993 | 29272 | 1993 |
Modern spectral estimation SM Kay Pearson Education India, 1988 | 6136 | 1988 |
Spectrum analysis—A modern perspective SM Kay, SL Marple Proceedings of the IEEE 69 (11), 1380-1419, 1981 | 4472 | 1981 |
A fast and accurate single frequency estimator S Kay IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 37 (12), 1987-1990, 1989 | 1168 | 1989 |
Least squares SM Kay Fundamentals of statistical signal processing 1, 219-286, 1993 | 623 | 1993 |
Parameter estimation of chirp signals PM Djuric, SM Kay IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 38 (12), 2118-2126, 1990 | 564 | 1990 |
Section 3.6: minimum probability of error S Kay Fundamentals of statistical signal processing: Detection theory 2, 1998 | 535 | 1998 |
Fractional Brownian motion: A maximum likelihood estimator and its application to image texture T Lundahl, WJ Ohley, SM Kay, R Siffert IEEE transactions on Medical Imaging 5 (3), 152-161, 1986 | 522 | 1986 |
Fundamentals of statistical processing, volume I: Estimation theory SM Kay Prentice Hall PTR, 1993 | 471 | 1993 |
Digital signal processing for sonar WC Knight, RG Pridham, SM Kay Proceedings of the IEEE 69 (11), 1451-1506, 1981 | 458 | 1981 |
Intuitive probability and random processes using MATLAB® S Kay Springer Science & Business Media, 2006 | 404 | 2006 |
Estimation theory SM Kay (No Title), 1993 | 350* | 1993 |
Theory of the stochastic resonance effect in signal detection: Part I—Fixed detectors H Chen, PK Varshney, SM Kay, JH Michels IEEE transactions on Signal Processing 55 (7), 3172-3184, 2007 | 348 | 2007 |
Toward optimal feature selection in naive Bayes for text categorization B Tang, S Kay, H He IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 28 (9), 2508-2521, 2016 | 295 | 2016 |
Optimal signal design for detection of Gaussian point targets in stationary Gaussian clutter/reverberation S Kay IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing 1 (1), 31-41, 2007 | 294 | 2007 |
Can detectability be improved by adding noise? S Kay IEEE signal processing letters 7 (1), 8-10, 2000 | 263 | 2000 |
A Bayesian classification approach using class-specific features for text categorization B Tang, H He, PM Baggenstoss, S Kay IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (6), 1602-1606, 2016 | 228 | 2016 |
On the optimality of the Wigner distribution for detection S Kay, G Boudreaux-Bartels ICASSP'85. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1985 | 225 | 1985 |
The effects of noise on the autoregressive spectral estimator S Kay IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 27 (5), 478-485, 1979 | 220 | 1979 |
Noise compensation for autoregressive spectral estimates S Kay IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 28 (3), 292-303, 1980 | 212 | 1980 |