Biren Prasad, Brian Prasad
Biren Prasad, Brian Prasad
Autres nomsDr. Biren Prasad, Birendra Prasad
Editor-in-Chief, Int.J.of Artificial Intelligence & KE; Founding Editor, Concurrent Engineering J.
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Concurrent engineering fundamentals
B Prasad
Prentice Hall PTR, 1996
Review of QFD and related deployment techniques
B Prasad
Journal of manufacturing Systems 17 (3), 221-234, 1998
Integrated product Development
B Prasad
(No Title), 1996
Functional analysis and binding affinity of tomato ethylene response factors provide insight on the molecular bases of plant differential responses to ethylene
J Pirrello, BCN Prasad, W Zhang, K Chen, I Mila, M Zouine, A Latché, ...
BMC Plant Biology 12, 1-15, 2012
Machining condition optimization by genetic algorithms and simulated annealing
Z Khan, B Prasad, T Singh
Computers & Operations Research 24 (7), 647-657, 1997
RETRACTED: Characterization of capsaicin synthase and identification of its gene (csy1) for pungency factor capsaicin in pepper (Capsicum sp.)
BCN Prasad, V Kumar, HB Gururaj, R Parimalan, P Giridhar, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (36), 13315-13320, 2006
Information management for concurrent engineering: research issues
B Prasad, RS Morenc, RM Rangan
Concurrent Engineering 1 (1), 3-20, 1993
Hybrid re‐engineering strategies for process improvement
B Prasad
Business Process Management Journal 5 (2), 178-198, 1999
A concurrent function deployment technique for a workgroup-based engineering design process
B Prasad
Journal of Engineering design 11 (2), 103-119, 2000
Genetic variation and heritability of quantitative characters in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea)
LB Chaudhary, B Prasad
Indian journal of Agricultural science 38, 820-825, 1968
Converting computer‐integrated manufacturing into an intelligent information system by combining CIM with concurrent engineering and knowledge management
B Prasad
Industrial Management & Data Systems 100 (7), 301-316, 2000
Designing products for variety and how to manage complexity
B Prasad
Journal of product & brand management 7 (3), 208-222, 1998
A concurrent workflow management process for integrated product development
B Prasad, F Wang, J Deng
Journal of Engineering Design 9 (2), 121-135, 1998
Optimal structural design with plate finite elements
B Prasad, RT Haftka
Journal of the Structural Division 105 (11), 2367-2382, 1979
Explicit constraint approximation forms in structural optimization Part 1: Analyses and projections
B Prasad
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 40 (1), 1-26, 1983
Enabling principles of concurrency and simultaneity in concurrent engineering
B Prasad
AI EDAM 13 (3), 185-204, 1999
JIT quality matrices for strategic planning and implementation
B Prasad
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 15 (9), 116-142, 1995
Programs for analysis and resizing of complex structures
RT Haftka, B Prasad
Computers & Structures 10 (1-2), 323-330, 1979
A systematic approach of virtual enterprising through knowledge management techniques
YM Chen, CC Liao, B Prasad
Concurrent Engineering 6 (3), 225-244, 1998
A capacitive immunosensor measurement system with a lock-in amplifier and potentiostatic control by software
B Prasad, R Lal
Measurement Science and Technology 10 (11), 1097, 1999
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Articles 1–20