Alexandra Reichenbach
Alexandra Reichenbach
Professor for Psychology in Computer Science, Director of the Center for Machine Learning, Heilbronn
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The cortical site of visual suppression by transcranial magnetic stimulation
A Thielscher, A Reichenbach, K Uğurbil, K Uludağ
Cerebral cortex 20 (2), 328-338, 2010
A Dedicated Binding Mechanism for the Visual Control of Movement
A Reichenbach, DW Franklin, P Zatka-Haas, J Diedrichsen
Current Biology 24 (7), 780-785, 2014
Seeing the hand while reaching speeds up on‐line responses to a sudden change in target position
A Reichenbach, A Thielscher, A Peer, HH Bülthoff, JP Bresciani
The Journal of Physiology 587 (19), 4605-4616, 2009
Contributions of the PPC to online control of visually guided reaching movements assessed with fMRI-guided TMS
A Reichenbach, JP Bresciani, A Peer, HH Bülthoff, A Thielscher
Cerebral Cortex 21 (7), 1602-1612, 2011
A key region in the human parietal cortex for processing proprioceptive hand feedback during reaching movements
A Reichenbach, A Thielscher, A Peer, HH Bülthoff, JP Bresciani
NeuroImage 84, 615-625, 2014
Temporal evolution of spatial computations for visuomotor control
DW Franklin, A Reichenbach, S Franklin, J Diedrichsen
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (8), 2329-2341, 2016
Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on visual evoked potentials in a visual suppression task
A Reichenbach, K Whittingstall, A Thielscher
Neuroimage 54 (2), 1375-1384, 2011
Reaching with the sixth sense: Vestibular contributions to voluntary motor control in the human right parietal cortex
A Reichenbach, JP Bresciani, HH Bülthoff, A Thielscher
NeuroImage 124, 869-875, 2016
Mechanisms of responsibility assignment during redundant reaching movements
A Reichenbach, A Costello, P Zatka-Haas, J Diedrichsen
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (8), 2021-2028, 2013
Minimizing endpoint variability through reinforcement learning during reaching movements involving shoulder, elbow and wrist.
DMA Mehler, A Reichenbach, J Klein, J Diedrichsen
PloS one 12 (7), e0180803, 2017
Generation of synthetic EEG data for training algorithms supporting the diagnosis of major depressive disorder
FP Carrle, Y Hollenbenders, A Reichenbach
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1219133, 2023
Processing reafferent and exafferent visual information for action and perception
A Reichenbach, J Diedrichsen
Journal of Vision 15 (8), 11-11, 2015
Two routes to Alzheimer’s disease based on differential structural changes in key brain regions
Y Hollenbenders, M Pobiruchin, A Reichenbach, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 92 (4), 1399-1412, 2023
Stratification of patients with Alzheimer’s disease based on longitudinal neuropsychological tests
S Ziegler, C Maier, A Reichenbach
2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 1-7, 2020
The Detection Continuum for Motor Control Comprises Preparation and Adjustments
A Reichenbach
Motor Control, 2015
Data-driven stratification of Parkinson’s disease patients based on the progression of motor and cognitive disease markers
E Krasniqi, W Schramm, A Reichenbach
GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie 17 (1), 2021
Inter-individual spatial diversity in motor control processes within the posterior parietal cortex assessed with transcranial magnetic stimulation
A Reichenbach, JP Bresciani, A Peer, HH Bülthoff, A Thielscher
Brain Stimulation 1 (3), 2008
Factors governing the assignment of visual consequence to the corresponding action
A Reichenbach, BM Urgen, S Apostolakis, L Michlin, J Diedrichsen
Journal of Neurophysiology 127 (3), 756-766, 2022
Special_Issue_Teaching_and_Training_Future_Health_Informaticians: Managing the transition from tradition to innovation of the Heidelberg/Heilbronn Medical Informatics Master’s …
P Knaup, R Bendl, U Eisenmann, M Hastenteufel, A Reichenbach
Applied Clinical Informatics, 2024
How Many Data are Enough? Optimization of Data Collection for Artifact Detection in EEG Recordings
L Wang-Nöth, P Heiler, H Huang, D Lichtenstern, A Reichenbach, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.11886, 2024
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