Tim Kovacs
Tim Kovacs
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Toward a theory of generalization and learning in XCS
MV Butz, T Kovacs, PL Lanzi, SW Wilson
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 8 (1), 28-46, 2004
On optimal decision-making in brains and social insect colonies
JAR Marshall, R Bogacz, A Dornhaus, R Planqué, T Kovacs, NR Franks
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6, 1065-1074, 2009
XCS classifier system reliably evolves accurate, complete, and minimal representations for Boolean functions
T Kovacs
Soft computing in engineering design and manufacturing, 59-68, 1998
Evolving optimal populations with xcs classifier systems
T Kovacs
Master's thesis, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham …, 1996
Foundations of learning classifier systems: An introduction
L Bull, T Kovacs
Foundations of Learning Classifier Systems, 1-17, 2005
WACCM‐D—Whole atmosphere community climate model with D‐region ion chemistry
PT Verronen, ME Andersson, DR Marsh, T Kovács, JMC Plane
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 8 (2), 954-975, 2016
Strength or accuracy? Fitness calculation in learning classifier systems
T Kovacs
International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems, 143-160, 1999
Strength or accuracy: credit assignment in learning classifier systems
T Kovacs
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Deletion schemes for classifier systems
T Kovacs
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 1999
How XCS evolves accurate classifiers
MV Butz, T Kovacs, PL Lanzi, SW Wilson
Proceedings of the Third Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2001
Noise, cost and speed-accuracy trade-offs: decision-making in a decentralized system
JAR Marshall, A Dornhaus, NR Franks, T Kovacs
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 3 (7), 243-254, 2006
What makes a problem hard for XCS?
T Kovacs, M Kerber
International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems, 80-99, 2000
Intrusion detection with evolutionary learning classifier systems
K Shafi, T Kovacs, HA Abbass, W Zhu
Natural Computing 8, 3-27, 2009
Distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide in vertebrate neuromuscular junctions: relationship to the acetylcholine receptor.
B Csillik, L Tajti, T Kovacs, E Kukla, P Rakic, E Knyihár-Csillik
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 41 (10), 1547-1555, 1993
Towards a theory of strong overgeneral classifiers
T Kovacs
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 6, 165-184, 2001
Cognitive behavior therapy for anxious and depressed youth: improving homework adherence through mobile technology
P Wilansky, JM Eklund, T Milner, D Kreindler, A Cheung, T Kovacs, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 5 (4), e5841, 2016
Genetics-Based Machine Learning.
T Kovacs
Handbook of natural computing, 937-986, 2012
A Comparison of Strength and Accuracy-based Fitness in Learning and Classifier Systems
TMD Kovacs
University of Birmingham, 2002
TreeVector: scalable, interactive, phylogenetic trees for the web
R Pethica, G Barker, T Kovacs, J Gough
PLoS One 5 (1), e8934, 2010
Determination of minimum sample size to estimate diet diversity in anuran species
T Kovács, J Török
Herpetological Journal 7, 43-48, 1997
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