Antonio BIONDI
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Invasion biology of spotted wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii): a global perspective and future priorities
DN Asplen MK, Anfora G, Biondi A, Choi DS, Chu D, Daane KM, Gibert P ...
Journal of Pest Science, DOI 10.1007/s10340-015-0681-z, 2015
Ecology, Worldwide Spread and Management of the Invasive South American Tomato Pinworm, Tuta absoluta: Past, Present, and Future
A Biondi, RN Guedes, FH Wan, N Desneux
Annual Review of Entomology 63, 2018
Using organic-certified rather than synthetic pesticides may not be safer for biological control agents: Selectivity and side effects of 14 pesticides on the predator< i> Orius …
A Biondi, N Desneux, G Siscaro, L Zappalà
Chemosphere 87, 803-812, 2012
The non‐target impact of spinosyns on beneficial arthropods
A Biondi, V Mommaerts, G Smagghe, E Viñuela, L Zappalà, N Desneux
Pest Management Science 68, 1523-1536, 2012
Natural enemies of the South American moth, Tuta absoluta, in Europe, North Africa and Middle East, and their potential use in pest control strategies
L Zappalà, A Biondi, A Alma, IJ Al-Jboory, J Arnò, A Bayram, A Chailleux, ...
Journal of Pest Science 86 (4), 635-647, 2013
Do Biopesticides Affect the Demographic Traits of a Parasitoid Wasp and Its Biocontrol Services through Sublethal Effects?
A Biondi, L Zappalà, JD Stark, N Desneux
PLOS ONE 8 (9), e76548, 2013
From the Western Palaearctic region to beyond: Tuta absoluta 10 years after invading Europe
MR Campos, A Biondi, A Adiga, RNC Guedes, N Desneux
Journal of Pest Science 90 (3), 787-796, 2017
Invasiveness, biology, ecology, and management of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda
M Kenis, G Benelli, A Biondi, PA Calatayud, R Day, N Desneux, ...
Entomologia Generalis, 2022
Tuta absoluta, a South American pest of tomato now in the EPPO region: biology, distribution and damage
G Tropea Garzia, G Siscaro, A Biondi, L Zappalà
EPPO Bulletin 42 (2), 205-210, 2012
Occurrence, biology, natural enemies and management of Tuta absoluta in Africa
R Mansour, T Brévault, A Chailleux, A Cherif, K Grissa-Lebdi, K Haddi, ...
Entomologia Generalis, 10.1127/entomologia/2018/0749, 2018
Biotic and abiotic factors impacting development, behavior, phenology, and reproductive biology of Drosophila suzukii
KA Hamby, D E Bellamy, JC Chiu, JC Lee, VM Walton, NG Wiman, ...
Journal of pest science 89, 605-619, 2016
Integrated pest management of Tuta absoluta: practical implementations across different world regions
N Desneux, P Han, R Mansour, J Arnó, T Brévault, MR Campos, ...
Journal of Pest Science, 1-23, 2022
First exploration of parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii in South Korea as potential classical biological agents
KM Daane, XG Wang, A Biondi, B Miller, JC Miller, H Riedl, PW Shearer, ...
Journal of pest science 89, 823-835, 2016
Tuta absoluta continues to disperse in Asia: damage, ongoing management and future challenges
P Han, Y Bayram, L Shaltiel-Harpaz, F Sohrabi, A Saji, UT Esenali, ...
Journal of Pest Science, 1-11, 2019
Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A Decade of Research Towards a Sustainable Integrated Pest Management Program
G Tait, S Mermer, D Stockton, J Lee, S Avosani, A Abrieux, G Anfora, ...
Journal of economic entomology 114 (5), 1950-1974, 2021
Citrus peel essential oil nanoformulations to control the tomato borer, Tuta absoluta: chemical properties and biological activity
O Campolo, A Cherif, M Ricupero, G Siscaro, K Grissa-Lebdi, A Russo, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 13036, 2017
A comparative life history study of two mirid bugs preying on Tuta absoluta and Ephestia kuehniella eggs on tomato crops: implications for biological control
O Mollá, A Biondi, M Alonso-Valiente, A Urbaneja
BioControl 59 (2), 175-183, 2014
Assessment of potential sublethal effects of various insecticides on key biological traits of the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
Y He, J Zhao, Y Zheng, Q Weng, A Biondi, N Desneux, K Wu
International journal of biological sciences 9 (3), 246, 2013
Recruitment of native parasitoids by the exotic pest Tuta absoluta in Southern Italy
Bulletin of Insectology 65 (1), 51-61, 2012
Can alternative host plant and prey affect phytophagy and biological control by the zoophytophagous mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis?
A Biondi, L Zappalà, A Di Mauro, GT Garzia, A Russo, N Desneux, ...
BioControl 61 (1), 79-90, 2016
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