Dr.Yang Yung
Dr.Yang Yung
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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A comprehensive review of energy consumption of seawater reverse osmosis desalination plants
J Kim, K Park, DR Yang, S Hong
Applied Energy 254, 113652, 2019
An extreme case of plant–insect codiversification: figs and fig-pollinating wasps
A Cruaud, N Rønsted, B Chantarasuwan, LS Chou, WL Clement, ...
Systematic biology 61 (6), 1029-1047, 2012
Gliding arc plasma processing of CO2 conversion
A Indarto, DR Yang, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Journal of hazardous materials 146 (1-2), 309-315, 2007
Towards a low-energy seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant: A review and theoretical analysis for future directions
K Park, J Kim, DR Yang, S Hong
Journal of Membrane Science 595, 117607, 2020
Toward a combined system of forward osmosis and reverse osmosis for seawater desalination
YJ Choi, JS Choi, HJ Oh, S Lee, DR Yang, JH Kim
Desalination 247 (1-3), 239-246, 2009
The complete mitochondrial genomes of two ghost moths, Thitarodes renzhiensis and Thitarodes yunnanensis: the ancestral gene arrangement in Lepidoptera
YQ Cao, C Ma, JY Chen, DR Yang
BMC genomics 13, 1-13, 2012
Simulation of forward osmosis membrane process: Effect of membrane orientation and flow direction of feed and draw solutions
DH Jung, J Lee, YG Lee, M Park, S Lee, DR Yang, JH Kim
Desalination 277 (1-3), 83-91, 2011
Mathematical model of flat sheet membrane modules for FO process: Plate-and-frame module and spiral-wound module
B Gu, DY Kim, JH Kim, DR Yang
Journal of membrane science 379 (1-2), 403-415, 2011
Artificial neural network model for optimizing operation of a seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant
YG Lee, YS Lee, JJ Jeon, S Lee, DR Yang, IS Kim, JH Kim
Desalination 247 (1-3), 180-189, 2009
Experimental application of a quadratic optimal iterative learning control method for control of wafer temperature uniformity in rapid thermal processing
DR Yang, KS Lee, HJ Ahn, JH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 16 (1), 36-44, 2003
Phenology of Ficus racemosa in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China1
G Zhang, Q Song, D Yang
Biotropica: The Journal of Biology and Conservation 38 (3), 334-341, 2006
Volatiles from Ficus hispida and their attractiveness to fig wasps
Q Song, D Yang, G Zhang, C Yang
Journal of Chemical Ecology 27, 1929-1942, 2001
The caterpillar fungus, Ophiocordyceps sinensis, genome provides insights into highland adaptation of fungal pathogenicity
EH Xia, DR Yang, JJ Jiang, QJ Zhang, Y Liu, YL Liu, Y Zhang, HB Zhang, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1806, 2017
Advanced VOCs decomposition method by gliding arc plasma
A Indarto, DR Yang, CH Azhari, WHW Mohtar, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Chemical Engineering Journal 131 (1-3), 337-341, 2007
Co-occurrence of two Eupristina species on Ficus altissima in Xishuangbanna, SW China
YQ Peng, ZB Duan, DR Yang, JY Rasplus
Symbiosis (Rehovot) 45 (1), 9, 2008
Partial oxidation of methane with Cu–Zn–Al catalyst in a dielectric barrier discharge
A Indarto, DR Yang, J Palgunadi, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 47 (5), 780-786, 2008
Genetic diversity and taxonomic implication of Cordyceps sinensis as revealed by RAPD markers
Y Chen, YP Zhang, Y Yang, D Yang
Biochemical genetics 37, 201-213, 1999
The incidence and pattern of copollinator diversification in dioecious and monoecious figs
LY Yang, CA Machado, XD Dang, YQ Peng, DR Yang, DY Zhang, ...
Evolution 69 (2), 294-304, 2015
Modeling and predictive control of a reheating furnace
HS Ko, JS Kim, TW Yoon, M Lim, DR Yang, IS Jun
Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No …, 2000
Optimization on a new hybrid Forward osmosis-Electrodialysis-Reverse osmosis seawater desalination process
TN Bitaw, K Park, DR Yang
Desalination 398, 265-281, 2016
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