Moritz H. Futscher
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Quantification of ion migration in CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 perovskite solar cells by transient capacitance measurements
MH Futscher, JM Lee, L McGovern, LA Muscarella, T Wang, MI Haider, ...
Materials Horizons 6, 1497-1503, 2019
Efficiency limit of perovskite/Si tandem solar cells
MH Futscher, B Ehrler
ACS Energy Letters 1 (4), 863-868, 2016
The role of backbone hydration of poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) across the volume phase transition compared to its monomer
MH Futscher, M Philipp, P Müller-Buschbaum, A Schulte
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 17012, 2017
Understanding the Stability of MAPbBr3 versus MAPbI3: Suppression of Methylammonium Migration and Reduction of Halide Migration
L McGovern, MH Futscher, LA Muscarella, B Ehrler
The journal of physical chemistry letters 11 (17), 7127-7132, 2020
A silicon–singlet fission tandem solar cell exceeding 100% external quantum efficiency with high spectral stability
LM Pazos-Outón, JM Lee, MH Futscher, A Kirch, M Tabachnyk, RH Friend, ...
ACS energy letters 2 (2), 476-480, 2017
Modeling the performance limitations and prospects of perovskite/Si tandem solar cells under realistic operating conditions
MH Futscher, B Ehrler
ACS Energy Letters 2 (9), 2089-2095, 2017
Perovskite/colloidal quantum dot tandem solar cells: theoretical modeling and monolithic structure
A Karani, L Yang, S Bai, MH Futscher, HJ Snaith, B Ehrler, NC Greenham, ...
ACS Energy Letters 3 (4), 869-874, 2018
Supramolecular Modulation of Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells via Bifunctional Halogen Bonding Revealed by Two-Dimensional 19F Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
MA Ruiz-Preciado, DJ Kubicki, A Hofstetter, L McGovern, MH Futscher, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (3), 1645-1654, 2020
The potential of singlet fission photon multipliers as an alternative to silicon-based tandem solar cells
MH Futscher, A Rao, B Ehrler
ACS Energy Letters 3 (10), 2587-2592, 2018
Pathways toward 30% Efficient Single‐Junction Perovskite Solar Cells and the Role of Mobile Ions
J Diekmann, P Caprioglio, MH Futscher, VM Le Corre, S Reichert, ...
Solar RRL 5 (8), 2100219, 2021
Blocking Lithium Dendrite Growth in Solid-State Batteries with an Ultrathin Amorphous Li-La-Zr-O Solid Electrolyte
J Sastre, M Futscher, L Pompizi, A Aribia, A Priebe, J Overbeck, M Stiefel, ...
Communications Materials 2 (76), 2021
Quantifying mobile ions and electronic defects in perovskite-based devices with temperature-dependent capacitance measurements: Frequency vs time domain
MH Futscher, MK Gangishetty, DN Congreve, B Ehrler
The Journal of chemical physics 152 (4), 2020
Sequentially deposited versus conventional nonfullerene organic solar cells: interfacial trap states, vertical stratification, and exciton dissociation
J Zhang, MH Futscher, V Lami, FU Kosasih, C Cho, Q Gu, A Sadhanala, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (47), 1902145, 2019
Quantification of efficiency losses due to mobile ions in perovskite solar cells via fast hysteresis measurements
VM Le Corre, J Diekmann, F Peña-Camargo, J Thiesbrummel, ...
Solar RRL 6, 2100772, 2021
Threshold switching in single metal‐oxide nanobelt devices emulating an artificial nociceptor
M Xiao, D Shen, MH Futscher, B Ehrler, KP Musselman, WW Duley, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 6 (1), 1900595, 2020
Manganese doping stabilizes perovskite light-emitting diodes by reducing ion migration
MH Futscher, MK Gangishetty, DN Congreve, B Ehrler
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (6), 1522-1528, 2020
Mixed conductivity of hybrid halide perovskites: emerging opportunities and challenges
MH Futscher, JV Milić
Frontiers in Energy Research 9, 629074, 2021
Realistic efficiency limits for singlet-fission silicon solar cells
B Daiber, K Van Den Hoven, MH Futscher, B Ehrler
ACS energy letters 6 (8), 2800-2808, 2021
Defect spectroscopy in halide perovskites is dominated by ionic rather than electronic defects
MH Futscher, C Deibel
ACS Energy Letters 7 (1), 140-144, 2022
Ion exchange lithography: Localized ion exchange reactions for spatial patterning of perovskite semiconductors and insulators
L Helmbrecht, MH Futscher, LA Muscarella, B Ehrler, WL Noorduin
Advanced Materials 33 (20), 2005291, 2021
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