Josselin Garnier
Josselin Garnier
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Wave propagation and time reversal in randomly layered media
JP Fouque, J Garnier, G Papanicolaou, K Solna
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Recursive co-kriging model for design of computer experiments with multiple levels of fidelity
L Le Gratiet, J Garnier
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 4 (5), 2014
Optical wave turbulence: Towards a unified nonequilibrium thermodynamic formulation of statistical nonlinear optics
A Picozzi, J Garnier, T Hansson, P Suret, S Randoux, G Millot, ...
Physics Reports 542 (1), 1-132, 2014
A long-term view of nutrient transfers through the Seine river continuum
G Billen, J Garnier, J Nemery, M Sebilo, A Sferratore, S Barles, P Benoit, ...
Science of the total Environment 375 (1-3), 80-97, 2007
Coupled precipitation and yield strength modelling for non-isothermal treatments of a 6061 aluminium alloy
D Bardel, M Perez, D Nelias, A Deschamps, CR Hutchinson, ...
Acta Materialia 62, 129-140, 2014
Rigorous hitting times for binary mutations
J Garnier, L Kallel, M Schoenauer
Evolutionary Computation 7 (2), 173-203, 1999
Mathematical and statistical methods for multistatic imaging
H Ammari, J Garnier, W Jing, H Kang, M Lim, K Sølna, H Wang
Springer 2098, xviii+ 361, 2013
Genealogical particle analysis of rare events
P Del Moral, J Garnier
Imaging schemes for perfectly conducting cracks
H Ammari, J Garnier, H Kang, WK Park, K SØlna
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 71 (1), 68-91, 2011
Passive sensor imaging using cross correlations of noisy signals in a scattering medium
J Garnier, G Papanicolaou
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2 (2), 396-437, 2009
Condensation and thermalization of classsical optical waves in a waveguide
P Aschieri, J Garnier, C Michel, V Doya, A Picozzi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (3), 033838, 2011
Mathematical methods in elasticity imaging
H Ammari, E Bretin, J Garnier, H Kang, H Lee, A Wahab
Princeton University Press, 2015
Stability and resolution analysis for a topological derivative based imaging functional
H Ammari, J Garnier, V Jugnon, H Kang
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 50 (1), 48-76, 2012
Large deviations for a mean field model of systemic risk
J Garnier, G Papanicolaou, TW Yang
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 4 (1), 151-184, 2013
Tensile properties and deformation mechanisms of a 14Cr ODS ferritic steel
A Steckmeyer, M Praud, B Fournier, J Malaplate, J Garnier, JL Béchade, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 405 (2), 95-100, 2010
Propagation of matter-wave solitons in periodic and random nonlinear potentials
FK Abdullaev, J Garnier
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (6), 061605, 2005
Influence of microstructural parameters on the mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-14Cr steels
M Dadé, J Malaplate, J Garnier, F De Geuser, F Barcelo, P Wident, ...
Acta Materialia 127, 165-177, 2017
Enhancement of near-cloaking. Part III: Numerical simulations, statistical stability, and related questions
H Ammari, J Garnier, V Jugnon, H Kang, H Lee, M Lim
Contemporary Math. 577, 1-24, 2012
Enhancement of near-cloaking. Part III: Numerical simulations, statistical stability, and related questions
H Ammari, J Garnier, V Jugnon, H Kang, H Lee, M Lim
Contemporary Math. 577, 1-24, 2012
Study of the deformation mechanisms in a Fe–14% Cr ODS alloy
M Praud, F Mompiou, J Malaplate, D Caillard, J Garnier, A Steckmeyer, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 428 (1-3), 90-97, 2012
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