Articles avec mandats d'accès public - Patrick RuchEn savoir plus
Disponibles quelque part : 61
UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase in 2021
Nucleic acids research 49 (D1), D480-D489, 2021
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, UK …
Overview of BioCreative II gene normalization
AA Morgan, Z Lu, X Wang, AM Cohen, J Fluck, P Ruch, A Divoli, K Fundel, ...
Genome biology 9, 1-19, 2008
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
DisProt: intrinsic protein disorder annotation in 2020
A Hatos, B Hajdu-Soltész, AM Monzon, N Palopoli, L Álvarez, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (D1), D269-D276, 2020
Exigences : Research Foundation (Flanders), Danish National Research Foundation, Magyar …
The gene normalization task in BioCreative III
Z Lu, HY Kao, CH Wei, M Huang, J Liu, CJ Kuo, CN Hsu, RTH Tsai, ...
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-19, 2011
Exigences : Fonds national suisse, US National Institutes of Health
Automatic medical encoding with SNOMED categories
P Ruch, J Gobeill, C Lovis, A Geissbühler
BMC medical informatics and decision making 8, 1-8, 2008
Exigences : Fonds national suisse
Introducing meta-services for biomedical information extraction
F Leitner, M Krallinger, C Rodriguez-Penagos, J Hakenberg, C Plake, ...
Genome biology 9, 1-11, 2008
Exigences : Fonds national suisse, US National Institutes of Health
The COMBREX project: design, methodology, and initial results
BP Anton, YC Chang, P Brown, HP Choi, LL Faller, J Guleria, Z Hu, ...
PLoS biology 11 (8), e1001638, 2013
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
Mapping proteins to disease terminologies: from UniProt to MeSH
A Mottaz, YL Yip, P Ruch, AL Veuthey
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-10, 2008
Exigences : Fonds national suisse
Improving data and knowledge management to better integrate health care and research
M Cases, LI Furlong, J Albanell, RB Altman, R Bellazzi, S Boyer, A Brand, ...
Journal of internal medicine 274 (4), 321, 2013
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Overview of the gene ontology task at BioCreative IV
Y Mao, K Van Auken, D Li, CN Arighi, P McQuilton, GT Hayman, ...
Database 2014, 2014
Exigences : Fonds national suisse, US National Institutes of Health, UK Medical Research …
The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics’ resources: focus on curated databases
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Members
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D27-D37, 2016
Exigences : Fonds national suisse, US National Institutes of Health
SciLite: a platform for displaying text-mined annotations as a means to link research articles with biological data
A Venkatesan, JH Kim, F Talo, M Ide-Smith, J Gobeill, J Carter, ...
Wellcome open research 1, 25, 2017
Exigences : Wellcome Trust, European Commission
Question answering for biology and medicine
J Gobeill, E Patsche, D Theodoro, AL Veuthey, C Lovis, P Ruch
2009 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications …, 2009
Exigences : Fonds national suisse
Managing the data deluge: data-driven GO category assignment improves while complexity of functional annotation increases
J Gobeill, E Pasche, D Vishnyakova, P Ruch
Database 2013, bat041, 2013
Exigences : Fonds national suisse
Comparing a rule‐based versus statistical system for automatic categorization of MEDLINE documents according to biomedical specialty
SM Humphrey, A Névéol, A Browne, J Gobeil, P Ruch, SJ Darmoni
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 …, 2009
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health
Medical multimedia retrieval 2.0
H Müller
Yearbook of Medical Informatics 17 (01), 55-63, 2008
Exigences : Fonds national suisse
Deep question answering for protein annotation
J Gobeill, A Gaudinat, E Pasche, D Vishnyakova, P Gaudet, A Bairoch, ...
Database 2015, bav081, 2015
Exigences : Fonds national suisse
An extended overview of the CLEF 2020 ChEMU lab: information extraction of chemical reactions from patents
J He, DQ Nguyen, SA Akhondi, C Druckenbrodt, C Thorne, R Hoessel, ...
Proceedings of the CLEF 2020 conference, 2020
Exigences : Australian Research Council
Gene Ontology density estimation and discourse analysis for automatic GeneRiF extraction
J Gobeill, I Tbahriti, F Ehrler, A Mottaz, AL Veuthey, P Ruch
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-10, 2008
Exigences : Fonds national suisse
An intrinsically disordered proteins community for ELIXIR
NE Davey, MM Babu, M Blackledge, A Bridge, S Capella-Gutierrez, ...
F1000Research 8, ELIXIR-1753, 2019
Exigences : US National Institutes of Health, European Molecular Biology Laboratory …
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