Daniel Bush
Daniel Bush
UCL Department of Neuroscience, Physiology, and Pharmacology
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The role of hippocampal replay in memory and planning
HF Ólafsdóttir, D Bush, C Barry
Current Biology 28 (1), R37-R50, 2018
Evidence for holistic episodic recollection via hippocampal pattern completion
AJ Horner, JA Bisby, D Bush, WJ Lin, N Burgess
Nature communications 6 (1), 7462, 2015
Using grid cells for navigation
D Bush, C Barry, D Manson, N Burgess
Neuron 87 (3), 507-520, 2015
Grid-like processing of imagined navigation
AJ Horner, JA Bisby, E Zotow, D Bush, N Burgess
Current Biology 26 (6), 842-847, 2016
What do grid cells contribute to place cell firing?
D Bush, C Barry, N Burgess
Trends in neurosciences 37 (3), 136-145, 2014
A hybrid oscillatory interference/continuous attractor network model of grid cell firing
D Bush, N Burgess
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (14), 5065-5079, 2014
Medial prefrontal theta phase coupling during spatial memory retrieval
R Kaplan, D Bush, M Bonnefond, PA Bandettini, GR Barnes, CF Doeller, ...
Hippocampus 24 (6), 656-665, 2014
Negative emotional content disrupts the coherence of episodic memories.
JA Bisby, AJ Horner, D Bush, N Burgess
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 147 (2), 243, 2018
Human hippocampal theta power indicates movement onset and distance travelled
D Bush, JA Bisby, CM Bird, S Gollwitzer, R Rodionov, B Diehl, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (46), 12297-12302, 2017
Theta power and theta‐gamma coupling support long‐term spatial memory retrieval
U Vivekananda, D Bush, JA Bisby, S Baxendale, R Rodionov, B Diehl, ...
Hippocampus 31 (2), 213-220, 2021
Spectral fingerprints or spectral tilt? Evidence for distinct oscillatory signatures of memory formation
MC Fellner, S Gollwitzer, S Rampp, G Kreiselmeyr, D Bush, B Diehl, ...
PLoS biology 17 (7), e3000403, 2019
Recruitment of resting vesicles into recycling pools supports NMDA receptor‐dependent synaptic potentiation in cultured hippocampal neurons
A Ratnayaka, V Marra, D Bush, JJ Burden, T Branco, K Staras
The Journal of physiology 590 (7), 1585-1597, 2012
Neural competitive queuing of ordinal structure underlies skilled sequential action
K Kornysheva, D Bush, SS Meyer, A Sadnicka, G Barnes, N Burgess
Neuron 101 (6), 1166-1180. e3, 2019
Impaired theta phase coupling underlies frontotemporal dysconnectivity in schizophrenia
RA Adams, D Bush, F Zheng, SS Meyer, R Kaplan, S Orfanos, ...
Brain 143 (4), 1261-1277, 2020
How environment and self‐motion combine in neural representations of space
T Evans, A Bicanski, D Bush, N Burgess
The Journal of physiology 594 (22), 6535-6546, 2016
Models of grid cells and theta oscillations
C Barry, D Bush, J O’Keefe, N Burgess
Nature 488 (7409), E1-E1, 2012
A mechanistic account of bodily resonance and implicit bias
RL Bedder, D Bush, D Banakou, T Peck, M Slater, N Burgess
Cognition 184, 1-10, 2019
Medial prefrontal–medial temporal theta phase coupling in dynamic spatial imagery
R Kaplan, D Bush, JA Bisby, AJ Horner, SS Meyer, N Burgess
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29 (3), 507-519, 2017
Altered hippocampal-prefrontal neural dynamics in mouse models of Down syndrome
P Chang, D Bush, S Schorge, M Good, T Canonica, N Shing, S Noy, ...
Cell Reports 30 (4), 1152-1163. e4, 2020
Optimal configurations of spatial scale for grid cell firing under noise and uncertainty
BW Towse, C Barry, D Bush, N Burgess
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
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