Mari-Klara Stein
Mari-Klara Stein
Professor, Department of Business Administration, TalTech
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A systematic review of algorithm aversion in augmented decision making
JW Burton, MK Stein, TB Jensen
Journal of behavioral decision making 33 (2), 220-239, 2020
Digital work and organisational transformation: Emergent Digital/Human work configurations in modern organisations
J Baptista, MK Stein, S Klein, MB Watson-Manheim, J Lee
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 29 (2), 101618, 2020
Breaking the vicious cycle of algorithmic management: A virtue ethics approach to people analytics
U Gal, TB Jensen, MK Stein
Information and Organization 30 (2), 100301, 2020
Coping with information technology
MK Stein, S Newell, EL Wagner, RD Galliers
Mis Quarterly 39 (2), 367-392, 2015
Crowdwork platform governance toward organizational value creation
ES Gol, MK Stein, M Avital
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 28 (2), 175-195, 2019
Towards an understanding of identity and technology in the workplace
MK Stein, RD Galliers, ML Markus
Journal of Information Technology 28 (3), 167-182, 2013
Datification and the pursuit of meaningfulness in work
MK Stein, EL Wagner, P Tierney, S Newell, RD Galliers
Journal of Management Studies 56 (3), 685-717, 2019
Felt quality of sociomaterial relations: Introducing emotions into sociomaterial theorizing
MK Stein, S Newell, EL Wagner, RD Galliers
Information and organization 24 (3), 156-175, 2014
IS use
A Burton-Jones, MK Stein, A Mishra
MIS Quarterly Research, 2017
People analytics in the age of big data: An agenda for IS research
U Gal, TB Jensen, MK Stein
Metaphors in managerial and employee sensemaking in an information systems project
R Hekkala, MK Stein, M Rossi
Information Systems Journal 28 (1), 142-174, 2018
Decent digital work: Technology affordances and constraints
N Ens, MK Stein, T Blegind Jensen
Challenges in transitioning to an agile way of working
R Hekkala, MK Stein, M Rossi, K Smolander
Twenty years of the European information systems academy at ECIS: Emergent trends and research topics
MK Stein, RD Galliers, EA Whitley
European Journal of Information Systems 25 (1), 1-15, 2016
Why take the risk? Motivations of highly skilled workers to participate in crowdworking platforms
ES Gol, MK Stein, M Avital
Association for Information Systems (AIS), 2018
Power and conflict in inter‐organisational information systems development
R Hekkala, MK Stein, S Sarker
Information Systems Journal 32 (2), 440-468, 2022
The Routledge companion to management information systems
MK Stein, R Galliers
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
Comfortably ‘betwixt and between’?: delimiting and blending space, time, tasks and technology at work
MK Stein, TB Jensen, R Hekkala
2015 International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the …, 2015
Emergence of Things Felt: Harnessing the Semantic Space of Facebook Feeling Tags
C Zimmerman, MK Stein, D Hardt, R Vatrapu
ICIS 2015, 2015
Call for papers: Strategic perspectives on digital work and organizational transformation
J Baptista, MK Stein, J Lee, MB Watson-Manheim, S Klein
Journal of Strategic Information Systems 26 (4), I-III, 2017
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