Sandra Loureiro
Sandra Loureiro
Full Professor Marketing
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I, Chatbot: Modeling the determinants of users’ satisfaction and continuance intention of AI-powered service agents
M Ashfaq, J Yun, S Yu, SMC Loureiro
Telematics and informatics 54, 101473, 2020
The role of the rural tourism experience economy in place attachment and behavioral intentions
SMC Loureiro
International journal of hospitality management 40, 1-9, 2014
20 years of research on virtual reality and augmented reality in tourism context: A text-mining approach
SMC Loureiro, J Guerreiro, F Ali
Tourism management 77, 104028, 2020
Corporate reputation, satisfaction, delight, and loyalty towards rural lodging units in Portugal
SMC Loureiro, E Kastenholz
International Journal of Hospitality Management 30 (3), 575-583, 2011
Artificial intelligence in business: State of the art and future research agenda
SMC Loureiro, J Guerreiro, I Tussyadiah
Journal of business research 129, 911-926, 2021
The importance of quality, satisfaction, trust, and image in relation to rural tourist loyalty
SMC Loureiro, FJM González
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 25 (2), 117-136, 2008
Brand emotional connection and loyalty
SMC Loureiro, KH Ruediger, V Demetris
Journal of Brand Management 20 (1), 13-27, 2012
Value get, value give: The relationships among perceived value, relationship quality, customer engagement, and value consciousness
OS Itani, AN Kassar, SMC Loureiro
International Journal of Hospitality Management 80, 78-90, 2019
The influence of brand experience and service quality on customer engagement
C Prentice, X Wang, SMC Loureiro
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 50, 50-59, 2019
Exploring behavioural branding, brand love and brand co-creation
HR Kaufmann, SMC Loureiro, A Manarioti
Journal of Product & Brand Management 25 (6), 516-526, 2016
Examining the Role of Wine Brand Love on Brand Loyalty: A Multi-Country Comparison
J Drennan, C Bianchi, S Cacho-Elizondo, S Loureiro, N Guibert, B Proud
International Journal of Hospitality Management 49, 47–55, 2015
Understanding the use of Virtual Reality in Marketing: A text mining-based review
SMC Loureiro, J Guerreiro, S Eloy, D Langaro, P Panchapakesan
Journal of Business Research 100, 514-530, 2019
Calibrating 30 years of experimental research: a meta-analysis of the atmospheric effects of music, scent, and color
H Roschk, SMC Loureiro, J Breitsohl
Journal of retailing 93 (2), 228-240, 2017
The dimensions of rural tourism experience: impacts on arousal, memory, and satisfaction
E Kastenholz, MJ Carneiro, CP Marques, SMC Loureiro
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 35 (2), 189-201, 2018
Brand coolness
C Warren, R Batra, SMC Loureiro, RP Bagozzi
Journal of Marketing 83 (5), 36-56, 2019
Stakeholder engagement in co-creation processes for innovation: A systematic literature review and case study
SMC Loureiro, J Romero, RG Bilro
Journal of Business Research 119, 388-409, 2020
The effect of corporate social responsibility on consumer satisfaction and perceived value: the case of the automobile industry sector in Portugal
SMC Loureiro, IMD Sardinha, L Reijnders
Journal of cleaner production 37, 172-178, 2012
Exploring online customer engagement with hospitality products and its relationship with involvement, emotional states, experience and brand advocacy
RG Bilro, SMC Loureiro, J Guerreiro
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 28 (2), 147-171, 2019
Antecedents and outcomes of online brand engagement: The role of brand love on enhancing electronic-word-of-mouth
SMC Loureiro, T Gorgus, HR Kaufmann
Online Information Review 41 (7), 985-1005, 2017
The effect of atmospheric cues and involvement on pleasure and relaxation: The spa hotel context
SMC Loureiro, M Almeida, P Rita
International Journal of Hospitality Management 35, 35-43, 2013
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