Debasis Mazumdar
Debasis Mazumdar
Professor of Ag. Statistics
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Organic amendments influence soil organic carbon pools and rice–wheat productivity
B Majumder, B Mandal, PK Bandyopadhyay, A Gangopadhyay, PK Mani, ...
Soil science society of America journal 72 (3), 775-785, 2008
Growth of Mixed-Sex and Monosex Nile Tilapia in Different Culture Systems.
SB Chakraborty, D Mazumdar, U Chatterji, S Banerjee
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11 (1), 2011
Antioxidant constituents and enzyme activities in chilli peppers
A Bhattacharya, A Chattopadhyay, D Mazumdar, A Chakravarty, S Pal
International journal of vegetable science 16 (3), 201-211, 2010
Determination of ideal stocking density for cage culture of monosex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in India
SB Chakraborty, D Mazumdar, S Banerjee
Proceedings of the Zoological Society 63, 53-59, 2010
Bamboo (Bambusa spp.) based agroforestry systems under rainfed upland ecosystem
H Banerjee, PK Dhara, D Mazumdar
Journal of Crop and Weed 5 (1), 286-290, 2009
Plant availability of boron in acid soils as assessed by different extractants
D Sarkar, B Mandal, D Mazumdar
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171 (2), 249-254, 2008
Assessment of the impact of pesticide residues on microbiological and biochemical parameters of tea garden soils in India
A Bishnu, T Saha, D Mazumdar, K Chakrabarti, A Chakraborty
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 43 (8), 723-731, 2008
Chemical composition of potato at harvest and after cold storage
S Pal, A Bhattacharya, A Konar, D Mazumdar, AK Das
International Journal of Vegetable Science 14 (2), 162-176, 2008
Development of effective spray schedule for the management of late blight of potato in plains of West Bengal
A Chakraborty, D Mazumdar
Potato Journal 39 (1), 92-94, 2012
District-wise trend analysis of rainfall pattern in last century (1901-2000) over Gangetic region in West Bengal, India
S Pal, D Mazumdar, PK Chakraborty
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 7 (2), 750, 2015
Effect of foliar spraying of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on yield and fruit quality of guava (Psidium guajava L.)
S Kundu, B Ghosh, SK Mitra, D Mazumdar
Acta Horticulturae 735, 433, 2007
Effect of foliar application of brassinolide and salicylic acid on NPK content in leaf and nutritive values of seed in green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)
AK Bera, U Maity, D Mazumdar
Legume Research-An International Journal 31 (3), 169-173, 2008
Effect of sowing date and variety on phenology and yield of lentil during rabi season.
S Sen, M Ghosh, D Mazumdar, B Saha, S Dolui
Effects of differential dose and duration of 17-methyltestosterone treatment on sex reversal of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus at different age groups under Indian perspective
SB Chakraborty, A Sarbajna, D Mazumdar, S Banerjee
Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences 9 (3 …, 2007
Comparative profitability of cross breed and indigenous cattle in West Bengal
S Islam, A Goswami, D Mazumdar
Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu 8 (1), 28-30, 2008
Effect of copper sources and levels on serum lipid profiles in Black Bengal (Capra hircus) kids
MK Mondal, P Biswas, B Roy, D Mazumdar
Small Ruminant Research 67 (1), 28-35, 2007
Effect of organic nutrient management practices on yield and economics of scented rice Gobindabhog
S Banerjee, M Ghosh, SK Pal, D Mazumdar, D Mahata
ORYZA-An International Journal on Rice 50 (4), 365-369, 2013
Study of the suitability of selected extractants for determination of plant-available arsenic in some inceptisols of West Bengal, India
PK Giri, K Bhattacharyya, B Sinha, D Mazumdar
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43 (19), 2449-2466, 2012
Allelopathic inhibition of teak leaf extract: A potential pre-emergent herbicide
RK Kole, PR Karmakar, R Poi, D Mazumdar, B Chandra, ...
J. Crop Weed 7, 101-109, 2011
Effect of growing degree day on different growth processes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
S Basu, M Parya, SK Dutta, S Jena, S Maji, R Nath, D Mazumdar, ...
Journal of Crop and Weed 8 (2), 18-22, 2012
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Articles 1–20