Silvia Illuminati
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Determination of proline in honey: comparison between official methods, optimization and validation of the analytical methodology
C Truzzi, A Annibaldi, S Illuminati, C Finale, G Scarponi
Food chemistry 150, 477-481, 2014
Fatty acids profile of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens): Influence of feeding substrate based on coffee-waste silverskin enriched with microalgae
C Truzzi, E Giorgini, A Annibaldi, M Antonucci, S Illuminati, G Scarponi, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 259, 114309, 2020
Determination of Hg in Farmed and Wild Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) Muscle
A Annibaldi, C Truzzi, O Carnevali, P Pignalosa, M Api, G Scarponi, ...
Molecules 24 (7), 1273, 2019
Determination of very low levels of 5‐(hydroxymethyl)‐2‐furaldehyde (HMF) in natural honey: Comparison between the HPLC technique and the spectrophotometric white method
C Truzzi, A Annibaldi, S Illuminati, C Finale, M Rossetti, G Scarponi
Journal of Food Science 77 (7), C784-C790, 2012
In-situ trace metal (Cd, Pb, Cu) speciation along the Po River plume (Northern Adriatic Sea) using submersible systems
S Illuminati, A Annibaldi, C Truzzi, ML Tercier-Waeber, S Nöel, ...
Marine Chemistry 212, 47-63, 2019
Influence of Feeding Substrates on the Presence of Toxic Metals (Cd, Pb, Ni, As, Hg) in Larvae of Tenebrio molitor: Risk Assessment for Human Consumption
C Truzzi, S Illuminati, F Girolametti, M Antonucci, G Scarponi, S Ruschioni, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (23), 4815, 2019
Quantification of fatty acids in the muscle of Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: Optimization of the analytical methodology
C Truzzi, S Illuminati, A Annibaldi, M Antonucci, G Scarponi
Chemosphere 173, 116-123, 2017
Physicochemical properties of honey from Marche, Central Italy: classification of unifloral and multifloral honeys by multivariate analysis
C Truzzi, S Illuminati, A Annibaldi, C Finale, M Rossetti, G Scarponi
Natural product communications 9 (11), 1934578X1400901117, 2014
Determination of water-soluble and insoluble (dilute-HCl-extractable) fractions of Cd, Pb and Cu in Antarctic aerosol by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry: distribution …
A Annibaldi, C Truzzi, S Illuminati, E Bassotti, G Scarponi
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 387, 977-998, 2007
SWASV speciation of Cd, Pb and Cu for the determination of seawater contamination in the area of the Nicole shipwreck (Ancona coast, Central Adriatic Sea)
A Annibaldi, S Illuminati, C Truzzi, G Scarponi
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (12), 2813-2821, 2011
Heavy metal distribution in organic and siliceous marine sponge tissues measured by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry
S Illuminati, A Annibaldi, C Truzzi, G Scarponi
Marine pollution bulletin 111 (1-2), 476-482, 2016
Square-wave anodic-stripping voltammetric determination of Cd, Pb and Cu in wine: Set-up and optimization of sample pre-treatment and instrumental parameters
S Illuminati, A Annibaldi, C Truzzi, C Finale, G Scarponi
Electrochimica Acta 104, 148-161, 2013
Analysis of dissolved metal fractions in coastal waters: An inter-comparison of five voltammetric in situ profiling (VIP) systems
CB Braungardt, EP Achterberg, B Axelsson, J Buffle, F Graziottin, ...
Marine Chemistry 114 (1-2), 47-55, 2009
Square-wave anodic-stripping voltammetric determination of Cd, Pb, and Cu in a hydrofluoric acid solution of siliceous spicules of marine sponges (from the Ligurian Sea, Italy …
C Truzzi, A Annibaldi, S Illuminati, E Bassotti, G Scarponi
Analytical and Bioanalytical chemistry 392, 247-262, 2008
Pb, Cu and Cd distribution in five estuary systems of Marche, central Italy
A Annibaldi, S Illuminati, C Truzzi, G Libani, G Scarponi
Marine Pollution Bulletin 96 (1-2), 441-449, 2015
Cadmium bioaccumulation and metallothionein induction in the liver of the Antarctic teleost Trematomus bernacchii during an on-site short-term exposure to the …
S Illuminati, C Truzzi, A Annibaldi, B Migliarini, O Carnevali, G Scarponi
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 92 (3), 617-640, 2010
Determination of water-soluble, acid-extractable and inert fractions of Cd, Pb and Cu in Antarctic aerosol by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry after sequential …
S Illuminati, A Annibaldi, C Truzzi, G Libani, C Mantini, G Scarponi
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 755, 182-196, 2015
A chemically safe way to produce insect biomass for possible application in feed and food production
C Truzzi, A Annibaldi, F Girolametti, L Giovannini, P Riolo, S Ruschioni, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (6), 2121, 2020
Recent sudden decrease of lead in Adriatic coastal seawater during the years 2000–2004 in parallel with the phasing out of leaded gasoline in Italy
A Annibaldi, C Truzzi, S Illuminati, G Scarponi
Marine Chemistry 113 (3-4), 238-249, 2009
Biomonitoring of heavy metals: the unexplored role of marine sessile taxa
C Roveta, A Annibaldi, A Afghan, B Calcinai, CG Di Camillo, C Gregorin, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (2), 580, 2021
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