Heiko Peisert
Heiko Peisert
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Photodegradation of P3HT− a systematic study of environmental factors
H Hintz, HJ Egelhaaf, L Lüer, J Hauch, H Peisert, T Chassé
Chemistry of Materials 23 (2), 145-154, 2011
Full characterization of the interface between the organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine and gold
H Peisert, M Knupfer, T Schwieger, JM Auerhammer, MS Golden, J Fink
Journal of applied physics 91 (8), 4872-4878, 2002
Order on disorder: Copper phthalocyanine thin films on technical substrates
H Peisert, T Schwieger, JM Auerhammer, M Knupfer, MS Golden, J Fink, ...
Journal of applied physics 90 (1), 466-469, 2001
Electronic structure of the organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine and K-CuPc studied using photoemission spectroscopy
T Schwieger, H Peisert, MS Golden, M Knupfer, J Fink
Physical Review B 66 (15), 155207, 2002
Energy level alignment at organic/metal interfaces: Dipole and ionization potential
H Peisert, M Knupfer, J Fink
Applied physics letters 81 (13), 2400, 2002
Fluorination of copper phthalocyanines: Electronic structure and interface properties
H Peisert, M Knupfer, T Schwieger, GG Fuentes, D Olligs, J Fink, ...
Journal of applied physics 93 (12), 9683-9692, 2003
Photo-oxidation and ozonization of poly (3-hexylthiophene) thin films as studied by UV/VIS and photoelectron spectroscopy
H Hintz, HJ Egelhaaf, H Peisert, T Chassé
Polymer Degradation and Stability 95 (5), 818-825, 2010
Relaxation energies in XPS and XAES of solid sulfur compounds
H Peisert, T Chassé, P Streubel, A Meisel, R Szargan
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena 68, 321-328, 1994
Electronic properties of interfaces between model organic semiconductors and metals
M Knupfer, H Peisert
Physica Status solidi (a) 201 (6), 1055-1074, 2004
Electronic structure of partially fluorinated copper phthalocyanine (CuPCF4) and its interface to Au (100)
H Peisert, M Knupfer, J Fink
Surface science 515 (2-3), 491-498, 2002
Experimental and theoretical investigation of vibrational spectra of copper phthalocyanine: polarized single‐crystal Raman spectra, isotope effect and DFT calculations
TV Basova, VG Kiselev, BE Schuster, H Peisert, T Chasse
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy: An International Journal for Original Work in …, 2009
Reversible and irreversible light-induced p-doping of P3HT by oxygen studied by photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS/UPS)
H Hintz, H Peisert, HJ Egelhaaf, T Chassé
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (27), 13373-13376, 2011
Electronic structure of pristine and intercalated metallofullerene
L Alvarez, T Pichler, P Georgi, T Schwieger, H Peisert, L Dunsch, Z Hu, ...
Physical Review B 66 (3), 035107, 2002
Electronic structure of FePc and interface properties on Ag (111) and Au (100)
F Petraki, H Peisert, U Aygul, F Latteyer, J Uihlein, A Vollmer, T Chassé
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (20), 11110-11116, 2012
Electronic structure of Co-phthalocyanine on gold investigated by photoexcited electron spectroscopies: indication of Co ion− metal interaction
F Petraki, H Peisert, I Biswas, T Chassé
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (41), 17638-17643, 2010
Orientation and electronic properties of phthalocyanines on polycrystalline substrates
H Peisert, I Biswas, M Knupfer, T Chassé
physica status solidi (b) 246 (7), 1529-1545, 2009
Influence of temperature on HSQ electron-beam lithography
M Häffner, A Haug, A Heeren, M Fleischer, H Peisert, T Chassé, DP Kern
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer …, 2007
The copper phthalocyanine/Au (100) interface studied using high resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy
JM Auerhammer, M Knupfer, H Peisert, J Fink
Surface science 506 (3), 333-338, 2002
Band-gap and correlation effects in the organic semiconductor
M Knupfer, H Peisert, T Schwieger
Physical Review B 65 (3), 033204, 2001
The crucial role of confined residual additives on the photostability of P3HT: PCBM active layers
A Tournebize, A Rivaton, H Peisert, T Chassé
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (17), 9142-9148, 2015
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