Artur Radomyski
Artur Radomyski
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Modelling the exposure to chemicals for risk assessment: a comprehensive library of multimedia and PBPK models for integration, prediction, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis …
P Ciffroy, B Alfonso, A Altenpohl, Z Banjac, J Bierkens, C Brochot, A Critto, ...
Science of The Total Environment 568, 770-784, 2016
Bioaccumulation of trace metals in aquatic food web. A case study, Liaodong Bay, NE China
A Radomyski, K Lei, E Giubilato, A Critto, C Lin, A Marcomini
Marine Pollution Bulletin 137, 555-565, 2018
Modelling ecological and human exposure to POPs in Venice lagoon–Part II: Quantitative uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in coupled exposure models
A Radomyski, E Giubilato, P Ciffroy, A Critto, C Brochot, A Marcomini
Science of The Total Environment 569, 1635-1649, 2016
Modelling ecological and human exposure to POPs in Venice lagoon. Part I—Application of MERLIN-Expo tool for integrated exposure assessment
E Giubilato, A Radomyski, A Critto, P Ciffroy, C Brochot, L Pizzol, ...
Science of the Total Environment 565, 961-976, 2016
Multi‐criteria decision analysis applied to harmful algal bloom management: A case study
C Pang, A Radomyski, V Subramanian, M Nadimi‐Goki, A Marcomini, ...
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 13 (4), 631-639, 2016
Modelling bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms and in mammals
A Radomyski, E Giubilato, NA Suciu, A Critto, P Ciffroy
Modelling the Fate of Chemicals in the Environment and the Human Body, 191-213, 2018
A site-specific indicator of nitrogen loads into surface waters from conventional and conservation agriculture practices: Bayesian network model
A Radomyski, R Ashauer
Ecological Indicators 145, 109641, 2022
Activities Encountered by European and Other International Authorities
A Ahrens, J Bessems, Y Bruinen de Bruin, A Connolly, P Fantke, ...
The Practice of Consumer Exposure Assessment, 511-565, 2020
Integration of ecological and human PBPK exposure models and their application in exposure assessment to POPs in Venice lagoon
A Radomyski
Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, 2018
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis applied to harmful algal bloom management: a case study.
PCF Pang ChengFang, A Radomyski, VS Vrishali Subramanian, ...
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
A Radomyski, E Giubilato, N Suciu, A Critto, P Ciffroy
Modelling the Fate of Chemicals in the Environment and the Human Body, 191-213, 2017
Integration of environmental and human PBPK exposure models: application of MERLIN-Expo modelling tool to POPs exposure in Venice lagoon
A Radomyski, E Giubilato, A Critto, P Ciffroy, C Brochot, A Marcomini
26. SETAC Europe annual meeting, 2016
Demonstration of the new modelling tool" MERLIN-Expo": a case-study on environmental and human exposure to POPs in Venice lagoon
A Radomyski, E Giubilato, A Critto, P Ciffroy, C Brochot, T Tanaka, ...
25. SETAC Europe annual meeting, 282, 2015
Corrected proof
A Ahrens, J Bessems, YB de Bruin, A Connolly, P Fantke, M Gilsenan, ...
The MERLIN-Expo Mammal model
P Ciffroy, A Radomyski
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Articles 1–15