Basel Alomair
Basel Alomair
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology & University of Washington
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Secrecy Capacity Analysis Over Fading Channels
H Lei, IS Ansari, G Pan, B Alomair, MS Alouini
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (6), 1445-1448, 2017
On secure NOMA systems with transmit antenna selection schemes
H Lei, J Zhang, KH Park, P Xu, IS Ansari, G Pan, B Alomair, MS Alouini
IEEE Access 5, 17450-17464, 2017
Scalable RFID systems: a privacy-preserving protocol with constant-time identification
B Alomair, A Clark, J Cuellar, R Poovendran
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23 (8), 1536-1550, 2011
Toward a statistical framework for source anonymity in sensor networks
B Alomair, A Clark, J Cuellar, R Poovendran
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 12 (2), 248-260, 2011
Minimizing convergence error in multi-agent systems via leader selection: A supermodular optimization approach
A Clark, B Alomair, L Bushnell, R Poovendran
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (6), 1480-1494, 2014
Submodularity in dynamics and control of networked systems
A Clark, B Alomair, L Bushnell, R Poovendran
Springer International Publishing, 2016
Information Theoretically Secure Encryption with Almost Free Authentication.
B Alomair, R Poovendran
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 15 (15), 2937-2956, 2009
Statistical framework for source anonymity in sensor networks
B Alomair, A Clark, J Cuellar, R Poovendran
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, 1-6, 2010
Jatmo: Prompt injection defense by task-specific finetuning
J Piet, M Alrashed, C Sitawarin, S Chen, Z Wei, E Sun, B Alomair, ...
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 105-124, 2024
Privacy versus scalability in radio frequency identification systems
B Alomair, R Poovendran
Computer Communications 33 (18), 2155-2163, 2010
Vulnerability detection with code language models: How far are we?
Y Ding, Y Fu, O Ibrahim, C Sitawarin, X Chen, B Alomair, D Wagner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.18624, 2024
Efficient authentication for mobile and pervasive computing
B Alomair, R Poovendran
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 13 (3), 469-481, 2014
Securing low-cost RFID systems: An unconditionally secure approach
B Alomair, L Lazos, R Poovendran
Journal of Computer Security 19 (2), 229-257, 2011
Passive attacks on a class of authentication protocols for RFID
B Alomair, L Lazos, R Poovendran
Information Security and Cryptology-ICISC 2007: 10th International …, 2007
The power of primes: security of authentication based on a universal hash-function family
B Alomair, A Clark, R Poovendran
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 4 (2), 121-148, 2010
Submodularity in input node selection for networked linear systems: Efficient algorithms for performance and controllability
A Clark, B Alomair, L Bushnell, R Poovendran
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 37 (6), 52-74, 2017
Leader selection in multi-agent systems for smooth convergence via fast mixing
A Clark, B Alomair, L Bushnell, R Poovendran
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 818-824, 2012
Can LLMs Follow Simple Rules?
DW Norman Mu, Sarah Chen, Zifan Wang, Sizhe Chen, David Karamardian, Lulwa ...
E-MACs: Toward More Secure and More Efficient Constructions of Secure Channels
B Alomair, R Poovendran
IEEE transactions on computers 63 (1), 204-217, 2014
Input selection for performance and controllability of structured linear descriptor systems
A Clark, B Alomair, L Bushnell, R Poovendran
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (1), 457-485, 2017
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