Satish Singh
Satish Singh
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Two-dimensional full wavefield inversion of wide-aperture marine seismic streamer data
RM Shipp, SC Singh
Geophysical Journal International 151 (2), 325-344, 2002
Velocity structure of a gas hydrate reflector
SC Singh, TA Minshull, GD Spence
Science 260 (5105), 204-207, 1993
Discovery of a magma chamber and faults beneath a Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal field
SC Singh, WC Crawford, H Carton, T Seher, V Combier, M Cannat, ...
Nature 442 (7106), 1029-1032, 2006
Elastic properties of hydrate‐bearing sediments using effective medium theory
M Jakobsen, JA Hudson, TA Minshull, SC Singh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B1), 561-577, 2000
Wavelengths of earth structures that can be resolved from seismic reflection data
M Jannane, W Beydoun, E Crase, D Cao, Z Koren, E Landa, M Mendes, ...
Geophysics 54 (7), 906-910, 1989
Three-dimensional tomographic inversion of combined reflection and refraction seismic traveltime data
JWD Hobro, SC Singh, TA Minshull
Geophysical Journal International 152 (1), 79-93, 2003
Seismic velocity structure at a gas hydrate reflector, offshore western Colombia, from full waveform inversion
TA Minshull, SC Singh, GK Westbrook
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B3), 4715-4734, 1994
Melt to mush variations in crustal magma properties along the ridge crest at the southern East Pacific Rise
SC Singh, GM Kent, JS Collier, AJ Harding, JA Orcutt
Nature 394 (6696), 874-878, 1998
Elastic full waveform inversion of multi‐component OBC seismic data
TJ Sears, SC Singh, PJ Barton
Geophysical Prospecting 56 (6), 843-862, 2008
Natural gas hydrates on the southeast US margin: Constraints from full waveform and travel time inversions of wide‐angle seismic data
J Korenaga, WS Holbrook, SC Singh, TA Minshull
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B7), 15345-15365, 1997
Active thrusting offshore Mount Lebanon: Source of the tsunamigenic AD 551 Beirut-Tripoli earthquake
A Elias, P Tapponnier, SC Singh, GCP King, A Briais, M Daëron, H Carton, ...
Geology 35 (8), 755-758, 2007
On the presence of liquid in Earth's inner core
SC Singh, MAJ Taylor, JP Montagner
Science 287 (5462), 2471-2474, 2000
Seismic velocity studies of a gas hydrate bottom‐simulating reflector on the northern Cascadia continental margin: Amplitude modeling and full waveform inversion
T Yuan, GD Spence, RD Hyndman, TA Minshull, SC Singh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B1), 1179-1191, 1999
Seismic evidence for broken oceanic crust in the 2004 Sumatra earthquake epicentral region
SC Singh, H Carton, P Tapponnier, ND Hananto, APS Chauhan, ...
Nature Geoscience 1 (11), 777-781, 2008
Velocity structure of a bottom simulating reflector offshore Peru: Results from full waveform inversion
IA Pecher, TA Minshull, SC Singh, R von Huene
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 139 (3-4), 459-469, 1996
Evidence from three-dimensional seismic reflectivity images for enhanced melt supply beneath mid-ocean-ridge discontinuities
GM Kent, SC Singh, AJ Harding, MC Sinha, JA Orcutt, PJ Barton, ...
Nature 406 (6796), 614-618, 2000
Aseismic zone and earthquake segmentation associated with a deep subducted seamount in Sumatra
SC Singh, N Hananto, M Mukti, DP Robinson, S Das, A Chauhan, ...
Nature Geoscience 4 (5), 308-311, 2011
26th December 2004 great Sumatra–Andaman earthquake: Co-seismic and post-seismic motions in northern Sumatra
JC Sibuet, C Rangin, X Le Pichon, S Singh, A Cattaneo, D Graindorge, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 263 (1-2), 88-103, 2007
Evidence for a thick free gas layer beneath the bottom simulating reflector in the Makran accretionary prism
K Sain, TA Minshull, SC Singh, RW Hobbs
Marine Geology 164 (1-2), 3-12, 2000
Three‐dimensional seismic structure of the Dragon Flag oceanic core complex at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (49° 39′ E)
M Zhao, X Qiu, J Li, D Sauter, A Ruan, J Chen, M Cannat, S Singh, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (10), 4544-4563, 2013
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