Leehi Magaritz Ronen
Leehi Magaritz Ronen
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Combined Observational and Model Investigations of the Z –LWC Relationship in Stratocumulus Clouds
A Khain, M Pinsky, L Magaritz, O Krasnov, HWJ Russchenberg
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 47 (2), 591-606, 2008
Theoretical investigation of mixing in warm clouds–Part 2: Homogeneous mixing
M Pinsky, A Khain, A Korolev, L Magaritz-Ronen
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (14), 9255-9272, 2016
Investigation of droplet size distributions and drizzle formation using a new trajectory ensemble model. Part II: Lucky parcels
L Magaritz, M Pinsky, O Krasnov, A Khain
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 66 (4), 781-805, 2009
Drizzle formation in stratocumulus clouds: Effects of turbulent mixing
L Magaritz-Ronen, M Pinsky, A Khain
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (3), 1849-1862, 2016
Investigation of droplet size distributions and drizzle formation using a new trajectory ensemble model. Part I: Model description and first results in a nonmixing limit
M Pinsky, L Magaritz, A Khain, O Krasnov, A Sterkin
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 65 (7), 2064-2086, 2008
Effects of turbulent mixing on the structure and macroscopic properties of stratocumulus clouds demonstrated by a Lagrangian trajectory model
L Magaritz-Ronen, M Pinsky, A Khain
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 71 (5), 1843-1862, 2014
Wildfire smoke highlights troposphere‐to‐stratosphere pathway
L Magaritz‐Ronen, S Raveh‐Rubin
Geophysical research letters 48 (23), e2021GL095848, 2021
Physical interpretation of mixing diagrams
A Khain, M Pinsky, L Magaritz‐Ronen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (1), 529-542, 2018
About the horizontal variability of effective radius in stratocumulus clouds
L Magaritz‐Ronen, A Khain, M Pinsky
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (16), 9640-9660, 2016
Effects of stratocumulus clouds on aerosols in the maritime boundary layer
L Magaritz, M Pinsky, A Khain
Atmospheric research 97 (4), 498-512, 2010
Representing turbulent mixing of non‐conservative values in Eulerian and Lagrangian cloud models
M Pinsky, A Khain, L Magaritz
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136 (650), 1228-1242, 2010
The sources of extreme precipitation predictability; the case of the ‘Wet’Red Sea Trough
A Hochman, T Plotnik, F Marra, ER Shehter, S Raveh-Rubin, ...
Weather and climate extremes 40, 100564, 2023
Simulation of droplet size distributions and drizzle formation using a new trajectory ensemble model of cloud topped boundary layer. Part 1: model description and first results …
M Pinsky, AP Khain, L Magaritz, A Sterkin
J. Atmos. Sci 65, 2064-2086, 2008
Drivers of cloud condensation nuclei in the Eastern North Atlantic as observed at the ARM site
VP Ghate, T Surleta, L Magaritz‐Ronen, S Raveh‐Rubin, F Gallo, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128 (22), e2023JD038636, 2023
Tracing the formation of exceptional fronts driving historical fires in Southeast Australia
L Magaritz-Ronen, S Raveh-Rubin
Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 6 (1), 110, 2023
A novel trajectory ensemble model of stratiform cloud and its possible applications
M Pinsky, A Khain, L Magaritz, N BenMoshe, A Sterkin, O Krasnov, ...
Preprints, 12th Conf. on Cloud Physics and Precipitation, Madison, WI, Amer …, 2006
Accumulation Mode Aerosols and Its drivers at the ARM Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) Site
VP Ghate, L Magaritz Ronen, S Raveh-Rubin, T Surleta, F Gallo, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, A25I-1842, 2022
Origin of Extreme Cold Front Temperature Contrasts-The Case of Australian Fires
L Magaritz Ronen, S Raveh-Rubin
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, A45F-14, 2022
Dynamics of dry intrusion air streams and their relevance for extreme weather
S Raveh-Rubin, E Fluck, Y Givon, E Ilotoviz, N Klaider, L Magaritz-Ronen, ...
EMS2022, 2022
Investigation of Fine Processess in the Formation of Stratocumulus Cloud Microstructure and Precpitation
LM Ronen
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2015
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Articles 1–20